.jpg)
1.
Her
gentle
tone
soothed
my
troubled
mind.
【gentle
tone】
2.
The
warm
breeze
was
a
gentle
caress
on
my
skin.
【warm
breeze】
3.
He
spoke
softly,
with
a
gentle
smile
on
his
face.
【softly】
4.
The
sight
of
a
mother
cradling
her
newborn
is
always
so
gentle
and
tender.
【newborn】
5.
gentle
kiss
can
oftentimes
speak
more
than
any
words
ever
could.
【gentle
kiss】
6.
Her
gentle
nature
made
her
a
favorite
among
her
friends.
【gentle
nature】
7.
The
gentle
sway
of
the
trees
was
mesmerizing
to
watch.
【gentle
sway】
8.
His
gentle
touch
on
my
hand
sent
shivers
down
my
spine.
【gentle
touch】
9.
The
soft
melody
of
the
piano
filled
the
room
with
a
gentle
energy.
【soft
melody】
10.
Her
gentle
encouragement
gave
me
the
confidence
needed.
【gentle
encouragement】
11.
The
gentle
waves
lapping
against
the
shore
created
a
calming
effect.
【gentle
waves】
12.
The
gentle
rustling
of
the
leaves
was
a
symphony
of
nature.
【rustling
of
the
leaves】
13.
Her
gentle
laughter
was
infectious
and
uplifting.
【gentle
laughter】
14.
The
gentle
hum
of
the
engine
lulled
me
to
sleep.
【gentle
hum】
15.
gentle
squeeze
on
the
shoulder
can
convey
a
sense
of
support
and
empathy.
【gentle
squeeze】
16.
The
gentle
touch
of
the
sunlight
on
my
face
felt
like
a
warm
embrace.
【gentle
touch
of
sunlight】
17.
The
gentle
slope
of
the
hill
made
it
an
easy
climb.
【gentle
slope】
18.
She
had
a
gentle
way
of
breaking
bad
news
that
made
it
easier
to
bear.
【gentle
way】
19.
The
gentle
rustling
of
the
leaves
was
a
sign
of
the
coming
autumn.
【rustling
of
the
leaves】
20.
gentle
reminder
is
all
it
takes
to
prevent
forgetfulness.
【gentle
reminder】