.jpg)
1.
"Wealth
without
work
is
like
a
bird
without
wings.
"
-
未经劳动而致富,就像一只没有翅膀的鸟。
【引用】
2.
"Easy
money
never
lasts
long.
"
-
容易来的钱终归会短暂。
【谚语】
3.
"The
spoils
of
laziness
are
a
burden
to
carry.
"
-
懒惰的战利品只会成为负担。
【警句】
4.
"The
world
owes
you
nothing.
It
was
here
first.
"
-
这个世界欠你什么?它早已存在。
【名言警句】
5.
"He
who
seeks
without
labor,
finds
without
glory.
"
-
不劳而获是没有光荣可言的。
【谚语】
6.
"The
only
place
where
success
comes
before
work
is
in
the
dictionary.
"
-
唯一一个能在成功前不需要努力的地方,是字典。
【名言】
7.
"A
life
of
leisure
and
a
life
of
laziness
are
two
different
things.
"-
悠闲的生活和懒惰的生活是两种不同的生活方式。
【指正观点】
8.
"Luck
is
what
happens
when
preparation
meets
opportunity.
"
-
那些看似好运的机会其实都是通过充分准备得来的。
【引用】
9.
"No
man
can
taste
the
fruits
of
success
without
first
doing
the
work.
"
-
没有人能不经过工作而品尝到成功的滋味。
【警句】
10.
"Never
be
afraid
of
hard
work.
Nothing
comes
for
free.
"
-
不要害怕辛勤的劳动,没有什么能够白嫖。
【激励】
11.
"Laziness
is
often
accompanied
by
poverty.
"
-
懒惰往往伴随着贫穷。
【揭露现象】
12.
"Sloth
is
the
devil's
workshop.
"
-
懒散就是魔鬼的工作室。
【谚语】
13.
"It's
not
about
working
hard,
it's
about
working
smart.
"
-
不是努力工作的问题,而是要聪明地工作。
【指导】
14.
"The
harder
you
work,
the
luckier
you
get.
"
-
你越努力,你越幸运。
【名言】
15.
"Laziness
is
a
virus
that
spreads
fast.
"
-
懒惰是一种快速传播的病毒。
【揭露现象】
16.
"You
reap
what
you
sow.
If
you
don't
plant,
you
don't
harvest.
"
-
种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。
不下种子就不会有收获。
【谚语】
17.
"Success
isn't
given.
It's
earned.
"
-
成功不是赐予的,而是需要用行动去赢得的。
【激励】
18.
"A
little
bit
of
hard
work
every
day
goes
a
long
way.
"
-
每天努力一点,将来必定会有所成就。
【激励】
19.
"Laziness
is
simply
the
habit
of
resting
before
you
get
tired.
"
-
懒惰其实就是在感到疲惫之前就开始休息了。
【揭露】
20.
"Great
accomplishments
require
great
efforts.
"
-
伟大的成就需要伟大的努力。
【名言】