.jpg)
1.
"Love
is
like
a
fresh
start
-
it
allows
us
to
leave
behind
our
past
and
embrace
a
brighter
future.
"
【初恋如同新生,让我们放下过去,迎接更美好的未来。
】
2.
"When
two
people
are
in
love,
everything
around
them
seems
to
sparkle
with
newfound
magic.
"
【当两个人相爱时,周围的一切都变得像充满了魔力一样闪闪发光。
】
3.
"Just
as
a
flower
needs
sun
and
rain
to
bloom,
love
also
requires
patience
and
endurance
to
flourish.
"
【就像花儿需要阳光和雨水才能绽放,爱也需要耐心和坚持才能茁壮成长。
】
4.
"True
love
is
not
just
a
feeling,
it's
a
choice
-
a
decision
to
stick
together
through
the
good
times
and
the
bad.
"
【真正的爱不仅仅是一种感觉,它是一种选择
-
一种决定一起度过好时坏时的决定。
】
5.
"The
beauty
of
love
lies
in
its
ability
to
give
us
hope,
even
in
the
midst
of
our
darkest
moments.
"
【爱的美丽在于它能够给我们带来希望,即使在我们最黑暗的时刻。
】
6.
"The
greatest
joy
in
life
is
not
found
in
receiving
love,
but
in
giving
it
freely.
"
【生活中最大的快乐不在于得到爱,而在于自由地给予爱。
】
7.
"Love
is
patient,
love
is
kind,
and
it
never
fails
to
lift
us
up
when
we
feel
down.
"
【爱是耐心的,爱是善良的,当我们感到失落时,它永远不会让我们沉沦。
】
8.
"In
love,
we
discover
something
greater
than
ourselves
-
a
connection
to
another
person
that
transcends
time
and
space.
"
【在爱中,我们发现了比我们自己更伟大的东西
-
一种超越时间和空间的连接。
】
9.
"To
love
someone
is
to
accept
them
for
who
they
are
-
flaws
and
all
-
and
to
see
the
beauty
in
their
imperfections.
"
【爱别人就是接受他们的全部
-
缺陷和美好不足的地方都一样看待。
】
10.
"Love
is
not
just
about
finding
the
perfect
person,
it's
about
creating
a
perfect
relationship
with
someone
imperfect.
"
【爱不仅仅关乎找到完美的人,更关乎和那个不完美的人创造一个完美的关系。
】
11.
"Love
isn't
a
feeling
you
have
-
it's
a
decision
you
make,
every
single
day,
to
put
someone
else's
happiness
above
your
own.
"
【爱不是你拥有的一种感觉,而是你每一天都做出的一个决定,去将别人的幸福置于你自己之上。
】
12.
"The
most
precious
gift
we
can
give
someone
we
love
is
our
time,
our
attention,
and
our
presence.
"
【对我们所爱的人,赠送最珍贵的礼物就是我们的时间、关注和陪伴。
】
13.
"Love
is
not
about
finding
someone
to
complete
you
-
it's
about
finding
someone
who
accepts
you
completely
and
helps
you
become
the
best
version
of
yourself.
"
【爱不是寻找某个人来完成你自己,而是寻找那个完全接受你的人,并帮助你成为最好的自己。
】
14.
"Love
is
not
something
you
go
looking
for
-
it's
something
that
finds
you
when
you
least
expect
it.
"
【爱不是你所寻找的,而是当你最不期而逢的时候,它来找到你。
】
15.
"In
the
end,
it's
not
the
love
we
receive
that
matters,
but
the
love
we
give
that
makes
all
the
difference.
"
【最后,重要的不是我们所接受的爱,而是我们所给予的爱让一切不同。
】
16.
"Love
is
a
powerful
force
that
can
conquer
even
the
greatest
of
obstacles
and
overcome
the
darkest
of
fears.
"
【爱是一股强大的力量,可以征服甚至最大的障碍和克服最黑暗的恐惧。
】
17.
"True
love
is
not
just
a
feeling,
but
a
commitment
to
care
for
and
cherish
someone
for
the
rest
of
your
life.
"
【真正的爱不仅仅是一种感觉,而是对某个人终生的照顾和关怀。
】
18.
"Love
is
about
making
sacrifices,
taking
risks,
and
always
putting
the
needs
of
someone
else
before
your
own.
"
【爱意味着做出牺牲、冒险和始终将别人的需求置于自己之上。
】
19.
"To
love
someone
deeply
is
to
see
their
flaws
and
imperfections,
but
to
choose
to
love
them
anyway.
"
【深爱一个人就是看到他们的缺点和不足之处,但还是选择爱他们。
】
20.
"Love
is
not
just
a
destination
-
it's
a
journey,
full
of
ups
and
downs,
twists
and
turns,
and
unexpected
surprises
along
the
way.
"
【爱不仅是一个目的地,它更是一个充满起伏、曲折、意外惊喜的旅程。
】