.jpg)
1.
"Love
and
kindness
are
never
wasted.
They
always
make
a
difference.
They
bless
the
one
who
receives
them,
and
they
bless
you,
the
giver.
"
-
Barbara
De
Angelis
【温柔的爱和善良永远不会被浪费,它们总是有所影响。
它们会祝福接受者,也会祝福你,赠送者。
】
2.
"The
most
important
thing
in
communication
is
hearing
what
isn't
said.
"
-
Peter
Drucker
【沟通中最重要的是听到未说出口的话。
】
3.
"Have
a
heart
that
never
hardens,
and
a
temper
that
never
tries,
and
a
touch
that
never
hurts.
"
-
Charles
Dickens
【拥有一颗永远不会硬化的心,一种永远不会试图发怒的性格,还要有一种从不伤害的触碰。
】
4.
"The
best
and
most
beautiful
things
in
the
world
cannot
be
seen
or
even
touched
-
they
must
be
felt
with
the
heart.
"
-
Helen
Keller
【世界上最好、最美的东西不能被看到,甚至是无法被触碰的。
它们必须用心感受。
】
5.
"A
single
act
of
kindness
throws
out
roots
in
all
directions,
and
the
roots
spring
up
and
make
new
trees.
"
-
Amelia
Earhart
【一次善良的行为会在各个方向上散发出根,这些根会生出新的树。
】
6.
"To
be
brave
is
to
love
someone
unconditionally,
without
expecting
anything
in
return.
"
-
Margaret
Mitchell
【勇敢就是无条件地爱一个人,不期望任何回报。
】
7.
"The
most
precious
possession
that
ever
comes
to
a
man
in
this
world
is
a
woman's
heart.
"
-
Josiah
G.
Holland
【这个世界上男人所获得的最珍贵的东西是一个女人的心。
】
8.
"Love
is
the
voice
under
all
silences,
the
hope
which
has
no
opposite
in
fear;
the
strength
so
strong
mere
force
is
feebleness:
the
truth
more
first
than
sun,
more
last
than
star.
"
-
E.
E.
Cummings
【爱是沉默之下的声音,是渴望中没有害怕的对立物;它是比单纯的力量更加坚强的力量:比太阳更早出现,比星星更晚消失的真理。
】
9.
"The
best
way
to
find
yourself
is
to
lose
yourself
in
the
service
of
others.
"
-
Mahatma
Gandhi
【发现自己的最好方式是在为他人服务中迷失自己。
】
10.
"Gentleness
is
the
strength
behind
all
true
power,
and
it
is
the
one
attribute
you
do
not
want
to
be
without.
"
-
Wayne
Dyer
【温和是所有真正力量背后的力量,也是你不想失去的唯一特质。
】
11.
"The
greatest
gift
you
can
give
someone
is
your
own
personal
development.
"
-
Jim
Rohn
【你能给予他人的最大礼物就是自己的个人发展。
】
12.
"Remember
that
the
happiest
people
are
not
those
getting
more,
but
those
giving
more.
"
-
H.
Jackson
Brown
Jr.
【记住,最快乐的人不是那些获得的越多,而是那些给予的越多。
】
13.
"Be
kind,
for
everyone
you
meet
is
fighting
a
battle
you
know
nothing
about.
"
-
Wendy
Mass
【要善良,因为你遇到的每个人都在战斗,你并不了解其中的细节。
】
14.
"The
fragrance
of
flowers
spreads
only
in
the
direction
of
the
wind.
But
the
goodness
of
a
person
spreads
in
all
directions.
"
-
Chanakya
【花的香气只在风向方向扩散。
但一个人的善良在所有方向上扩散。
】
15.
"Happiness
is
not
something
ready-made.
It
comes
from
your
own
actions.
"
-
Dalai
Lama
【幸福不是现成的,它来源于你自己的行动。
】
16.
"The
greatest
happiness
you
can
have
is
knowing
that
you
do
not
necessarily
require
happiness.
"
-
William
Saroyan
【你能拥有的最大幸福是知道你不一定需要幸福。
】
17.
"Love
is
like
a
beautiful
flower
which
may
not
touch,
but
whose
fragrance
makes
the
garden
a
place
of
delight
just
the
same.
"
-
Helen
Keller
【爱就像一朵美丽的花,我可能碰不到,但它的香气依然会让花园充满喜悦。
】
18.
"If
you
want
others
to
be
happy,
practice
compassion.
If
you
want
to
be
happy,
practice
compassion.
"
-
Dalai
Lama
【如果你希望别人幸福,那就实践同情心。
如果你想自己幸福,那也要实践同情心。
】
19.
"There
is
nothing
more
genuine
than
breaking
away
from
the
chorus
to
learn
the
sound
of
your
own
voice.
"
-
Poet
Andréa
Balt
【没有比脱离合唱团更真实的东西,来学习你自己的声音。
】
20.
"A
kind
heart
is
a
fountain
of
gladness,
making
everything
in
its
vicinity
freshen
into
smiles.
"
-
Washington
Irving
【一颗善良的心是快乐之泉,使它周围的所有事物都变得充满微笑。
】