.jpg)
1.
"Sweat
is
just
my
body
crying
of
happiness
after
a
good
workout!"
【笑死我了】
2.
"I
don't
sweat,
sparkle!"
【太逗了】
3.
"Sweating
like
a
sinner
in
church!"
【哈哈哈哈】
4.
"I'm
not
sweating,
I'm
leaking
awesome
sauce!"
【超级有趣】
5.
"Sweating
like
a
pig
on
a
hot
summer
day!"
【哈哈,好玩】
6.
"Sweat
is
just
fat
crying
out
for
help!"
【太有趣了】
7.
"I
sweat
so
much,
should
get
a
shirt
sponsorship
from
Gatorade!"
【好幽默】
8.
"Sweating
like
a
marathon
runner,
but
I'm
just
chasing
my
kids!"
【笑死我了】
9.
"Sweating
out
all
the
toxins
like
a
chia
pet!"
【笑到不行】
10.
"I
sweat
like
a
superhero
saving
the
world!"
【太好玩了】
11.
"Sweat
dripping
down
my
face
like
melted
ice
cream!"
【哈哈哈】
12.
"I
don't
sweat,
exude
confidence!"
【太有趣太好笑了】
13.
"Sweating
so
much,
could
fill
up
a
fish
tank!"
【太逗了】
14.
"Sweating
bullets
and
dropping
pounds,
that's
how
roll!"
【好妙】
15.
"Sweating
like
a
rock
star
on
stage,
but
I'm
just
doing
sit-ups!"
【笑死我了】
16.
"Sweating
like
a
hot
pepper,
but
I'm
just
on
the
treadmill!"
【好玩极了】
17.
"I
sweat
so
much,
could
water
my
garden!"
【哈哈哈哈哈哈哈】
18.
"Sweating
like
a
beast,
just
proving
that
I'm
alive!"
【好妙好妙】
19.
"Sweating
like
a
professional
athlete,
but
I'm
just
taking
the
stairs!"
【笑翻了我】
20.
"I
don't
sweat,
glisten
with
determination!"
【太有趣了】