1.
"Nature
always
wears
the
colors
of
the
spirit.
"
-Ralph
Waldo
Emerson
【美好的自然,无须人脸的点缀】
2.
"The
stars
were
better
company
anyway,
they
were
very
beautiful,
and
they
almost
never
snored.
"
-David
Eddings
【夜空中的繁星,无需肉眼凝视的人脸】
3.
"The
world
is
a
book,
and
those
who
do
not
travel
read
only
a
page.
"
-Saint
Augustine
【旅行过程中的美景,怡然自得,无需拍摄人脸为证明】
4.
"A
cup
of
tea
is
a
cup
of
peace.
"
-Seneca
【喝茶品味人生,无需照片证明只需沉浸其中】
5.
"The
sea!
The
sea!
The
open
sea!
The
blue,
the
fresh,
the
ever
free!"
-Bryan
W.
Procter
【海洋的浩瀚与自由,无需拍照传人脸,尽情感受】
6.
"Nature
is
not
a
place
to
visit.
It
is
home.
"
-Gary
Snyder
【大自然是人类最好的家园,拍摄仅是锦上添花】
7.
"Books
are
the
plane,
and
the
train,
and
the
road.
They
are
the
destination,
and
the
journey.
They
are
home.
"
-Anna
Quindlen
【读书是长久的陪伴,而人脸瞬间却会远离】
8.
"The
sun
was
now
in
its
death
throes,
bruising
the
sky
a
coiling
purposeful
pink
and
orange.
"
-David
Mitchell
【日落的绚烂,天空的缤纷,无需照片搭配】
9.
"The
mountains
are
calling
and
must
go.
"
-John
Muir
【登高远眺,强劲的山风拂面,在此沉淀,人脸并不影响风景的美】
10.
"There
is
no
place
like
home.
"
-L.
Frank
Baum
【家是最温馨的港湾,在这里把握当下的幸福即可,无需身影映在镜头里】
11.
"A
library
is
a
temple
of
learning.
"
-Neil
Gaiman
【古书时光,足以让人折服,而人脸显得有些浮夸】
12.
"Silence
is
the
language
of
Om.
"
-Abhijit
Naskar
【寂静中听见自己内心的呼吸,而非关注镜头里的人脸】
13.
"When
words
become
unclear,
shall
focus
on
photographs.
When
images
become
inadequate,
shall
be
content
with
silence.
"
-Ansel
Adams
【图像通过拍照留存,静谧的时刻在这个瞬间安放】
14.
"The
best
things
in
life
are
the
people
we
love,
the
places
we've
been,
and
the
memories
we've
made
along
the
way.
"
-Unknown
【人际交往,感情互动,才是尘世珍贵之所在】
15.
"The
best
way
to
forget
the
past
is
to
look
forward
to
the
future.
"
-Anonymous
【大胆面对,勇往直前,留下美好的回忆即可】
16.
"Speak
only
if
it
improves
upon
the
silence.
"
-Mahatma
Gandhi
【寂静中的默想,比肩于热闹人声】
17.
"Music
is
the
wine
that
fills
the
cup
of
silence.
"
-Robert
Fripp
【静默中的音乐,可以让我们感性体验到醉人的旋律】
18.
"The
key
to
happiness
is
letting
each
situation
be
what
it
is
instead
of
what
you
think
it
should
be.
"
-Anonymous
【在当下的当下,用心体会生活,无需拍照留下人脸】
19.
"The
world
is
too
big
to
stay
in
one
place
and
life
is
too
short
to
do
just
one
thing.
"
-Anonymous
【在短暂的人生中,不断探索,迸发出不一样的火花】
20.
"Sometimes
the
best
adventures
happen
when
we
step
outside
our
comfort
zone.
"
-Anonymous
【追求不同的人生之路,多番尝试,每天都会成为不一样的自己】