.jpg)
1.
“My
heart
is
aching
but
have
to
keep
smiling.
」——《你的名字》】
【
2.
“Sometimes
it's
easier
to
pretend
you
don't
care.
”——《蔷薇少女》】
【
3.
“I'm
fine.
.
.
I'm
just
tired.
”——《钢之炼金术师》】
【
4.
“The
more
see
of
the
world,
the
more
am
dissatisfied
with
it.
”——《黑执事》】
【
5.
“The
world
is
merciless,
but
so
are
we.
”——《东京喰种》】
【
6.
“I
have
so
many
scars,
but
learned
to
pretend
they
don't
hurt.
」——《进击的巨人》】
【
7.
“I'm
so
tired
of
pretending
everything's
okay.
”——《你的名字》】
【
8.
“Nothing
hurts
more
than
being
disappointed
by
the
person
you
thought
would
never
hurt
you.
”——《福尔摩斯少女》】
【
9.
“It's
not
easy
being
strong
all
the
time.
”——《罪恶王冠》】
【
10.
“I
pretend
to
be
happy,
but
deep
inside
I'm
dying.
”——《死神》】
【
11.
“I
tried
to
be
strong,
but
my
heart
couldn't
take
it
anymore.
」——《火影忍者》】
【
12.
“We
all
have
our
demons
to
battle.
”——《恶魔之谷》】
【
13.
“I'm
drowning
in
my
own
tears
and
nobody
knows
it.
」——《青之驱魔师》】
【
14.
“Tears
are
words
the
heart
can't
express.
”——《橙》】
【
15.
“I
don't
know
how
to
be
happy
anymore.
”——《刀剑神域》】
【
16.
“Broken
people
are
not
the
ones
who
can
no
longer
mend
themselves.
They're
the
ones
who
try
to
pretend
they're
not
broken.
”——《进击的巨人》】
【
17.
“Pain
changes
people.
”——《咒术回战》】
【
18.
“I'm
tired
of
being
strong
all
the
time,
just
want
to
be
weak
for
once
and
have
someone
else
be
strong
for
me.
”——《黑执事》】
【
19.
“It's
okay
to
cry
sometimes.
”——《银魂》】
【
20.
“I'm
scared
of
being
alone,
but
I'm
even
more
scared
of
getting
hurt
again.
”——《中二病也要谈恋爱》】
【