1.
"A
gentle
touch
of
words
can
soothe
even
the
toughest
souls.
"
【温柔的句子可以抚慰最顽强的灵魂。
】
2.
"There's
a
certain
elegance
in
the
way
gentle
words
can
convey
powerful
meaning.
"
【温柔的语言传递深刻的含义,有一种独特的优雅。
】
3.
"A
gentle
tone
can
open
doors
that
harshness
might
slam
shut.
"【温柔的声音能打开那些粗暴会关闭的门。
】
4.
"In
a
world
of
noise,
gentle
words
can
be
a
peaceful
sanctuary.
"
【在嘈杂的世界里,温柔的话语可以成为宁静的避风港。
】
5.
"Some
things
can
only
be
said
with
a
gentle
touch
of
words.
"
【有些话只有用温柔的话语才能说出口。
】
6.
"A
gentle
reminder
can
be
more
effective
than
a
harsh
command.
"
【温柔的提醒比严厉的命令更有效。
】
7.
"Kindness
and
gentleness
are
two
sides
of
the
same
coin.
"
【善良和温柔是同一枚硬币的两面。
】
8.
"Gentle
words
can
turn
enemies
into
friends.
"
【温柔的话语可以让敌人变成朋友。
】
9.
"A
gentle
approach
can
bring
out
the
best
in
people.
"
【温柔的方法可以激发人们最好的一面。
】
10.
"Words
can
hurt,
but
gentle
words
can
heal.
"
【言语可以伤人,但温柔的言语可以治愈。
】
11.
"A
gentle
attitude
can
transform
situations
and
relationships.
"
【温柔的态度可以改变情况和关系。
】
12.
"The
power
of
gentleness
lies
in
its
ability
to
disarm
and
soften
hearts.
"
【温柔的力量在于它能够消除敌意和软化心灵。
】
13.
"A
kind
word
spoken
softly
is
a
balm
to
the
soul.
"
【轻声细语的善言善语是对灵魂的一种抚慰。
】
14.
"The
gentle
approach
is
the
antidote
to
aggression
and
hostility.
"
【温和的方法是对侵略和敌对的解药。
】
15.
"In
a
world
where
people
are
judged
harshly,
let
us
be
gentle
with
one
another.
"
【在一个人们被严厉评判的世界中,让我们彼此温柔。
】
16.
"May
our
words
be
like
petals,
falling
gently
and
bringing
joy
wherever
they
land.
"
【愿我们的话语像花瓣一样,轻轻飘落,给每一个人带来快乐。
】
17.
"The
most
powerful
tool
we
have
is
not
force,
but
gentleness.
"
【我们最有力的工具不是力量,而是温柔。
】
18.
"When
in
doubt,
always
choose
the
path
of
gentleness.
"
【当不确定时,总是选择温柔的道路。
】
19.
"Gentleness
is
not
weakness,
but
a
strength
that
comes
from
kindness.
"
【温柔不是软弱,而是因善良而来的力量。
】
20.
"Let
us
always
strive
to
be
gentle,
for
it
is
in
gentleness
that
true
beauty
lies.
"
【让我们永远努力保持温柔,因为真正的美丽在于温柔。
】