.jpg)
1.
"Keep
your
mate's
secrets
safe
with
silence"
【保护闺蜜的秘密,保持沉默】
2.
"Don't
share
anything
that
could
betray
your
friend's
trust"
【不要共享可能背叛朋友信任的信息】
3.
"Respect
your
friend's
privacy
and
boundaries"
【尊重朋友的隐私和界限】
4.
"Think
before
you
post
-
could
it
potentially
harm
or
embarrass
your
friend?"
【在发布之前要想一想
-
它有可能伤害或尴尬您的朋友吗?】
5.
"When
in
doubt,
ask
your
friend
if
it's
okay
to
share"
【如果有疑问,请向您的朋友询问是否可以共享】
6.
"Be
mindful
of
who
has
access
to
your
friend's
social
media
accounts"
【注意谁有权访问您的朋友的社交媒体账户】
7.
"Don't
post
anything
that
could
paint
your
friend
in
a
negative
light"
【不要发布可能让您的朋友负面形象的信息】
8.
"Avoid
sharing
personal
information
about
your
friend
without
their
permission"
【未经许可,请勿共享有关您的朋友的个人信息】
9.
"Resist
the
urge
to
gossip
about
your
friend's
posts
or
messages"
【抵制八卦您的朋友的帖子或消息的冲动】
10.
"Be
considerate
of
your
friend's
feelings
and
reputation"
【要考虑您的朋友的感受和声誉】
11.
"Don't
post
anything
that
could
damage
your
friend's
relationships
or
career"
【不要发布可能损害您的朋友的关系或职业的信息】
12.
"Show
your
friend
you
respect
and
value
their
friendship
by
protecting
their
online
presence"
【通过保护他们的在线存在来展示您尊重和重视您朋友的友谊】
13.
"Think
twice
before
tagging
your
friend
in
a
post
or
photo"
【在发布或照片中标记您的朋友之前要仔细考虑两次】
14.
"Be
careful
not
to
post
anything
that
could
compromise
your
friend's
safety"
【注意不要发布任何可能危及您的朋友安全的信息】
15.
"Remember
that
once
something
is
online,
it's
there
forever
-
think
about
your
friend's
long-term
well-being"
【记住一旦某些东西在线上,它就永远存在
-
考虑您朋友的长期福祉】
16.
"If
you
see
something
concerning
or
potentially
harmful
in
your
friend's
posts
or
messages,
address
it
privately
with
them
instead
of
publicizing
it"
【如果您在朋友的帖子或邮件中看到令人担忧或有可能有害的事情,请私下与他们解决,而不要发布消息】
17.
"Practice
empathy
and
put
yourself
in
your
friend's
shoes
-
how
would
you
feel
if
they
shared
something
about
you
without
your
permission?"
【实践同情心,将自己置于朋友的立场上
-
如果他们未经许可共享有关您的信息,您会感觉如何?】
18.
"Be
a
true
friend
and
protect
your
friend's
honor
and
integrity
online"
【成为真正的朋友,保护您朋友的荣誉和诚信】
19.
"Remember
that
your
online
actions
reflect
on
you
and
your
own
character
-
choose
wisely"
【记住您的在线行动反映了您和您自己的性格
-
谨慎选择】
20.
"Always
ask
yourself
if
sharing
something
is
worth
potentially
jeopardizing
your
friendship"
【始终问自己,共享某些东西是否值得潜在地危害您的友谊】