.jpg)
1.
"Love
and
compassion
are
necessities,
not
luxuries.
Without
them,
humanity
cannot
survive.
"
-Dalai
Lama
【温柔是人类的必需品,没有它们,人性将无法存续。
】
2.
"Kindness
is
the
sunshine
in
which
virtue
grows.
"
-Robert
Green
Ingersoll
【善良是美德成长的阳光。
】
3.
"A
kind
heart
is
a
fountain
of
gladness,
making
everything
in
its
vicinity
freshen
into
smiles.
"
-Washington
Irving
【一颗善良的心灵是欢乐的喷泉,使周围的一切都焕发着微笑。
】
4.
"The
best
portion
of
a
good
man's
life
is
his
little,
nameless,
unremembered
acts
of
kindness
and
of
love.
"
-William
Wordsworth
【一个好人一生中最好的部分是他的无名之举,那些温柔和爱的行动。
】
5.
"Let
us
always
meet
each
other
with
smile,
for
the
smile
is
the
beginning
of
love.
"
-Mother
Teresa
【让我们总是微笑相迎,因为微笑是爱的开始。
】
6.
"You
can
always
give
something,
even
if
it
is
only
kindness.
"
-Anne
Frank
【你总是能够给予一些东西,即使它只是温柔。
】
7.
"A
warm
smile
is
the
universal
language
of
kindness.
"
-William
Arthur
Ward
【温暖的微笑是善良的普遍语言。
】
8.
"The
highest
form
of
wisdom
is
kindness.
"
-The
Talmud
【最高层次的智慧就是温柔。
】
9.
"Be
kind,
for
everyone
you
meet
is
fighting
a
battle
you
know
nothing
about.
"
-Ian
Maclaren
【要温柔,因为你遇见的每个人都在与你所不知道的战斗中奋斗。
】
10.
"No
act
of
kindness,
no
matter
how
small,
is
ever
wasted.
"
-Aesop
【没有一次善良的行为是徒劳的,即使是再微小也不例外。
】
11.
"How
wonderful
it
is
that
nobody
need
wait
a
single
moment
before
starting
to
improve
the
world.
"
-Anne
Frank
【多么美妙啊,世界上没有必要等待一秒钟才开始改变它。
】
12.
"The
purpose
of
human
life
is
to
serve,
and
to
show
compassion
and
the
will
to
help
others.
"
-Albert
Schweitzer
【人类的生命目的是为他人服务,表现出同情和帮助他人的意愿。
】
13.
"The
smallest
act
of
kindness
is
worth
more
than
the
grandest
intention.
"
-Oscar
Wilde
【最微小的善良行为比最宏伟的意图更有价值。
】
14.
"Until
he
extends
the
circle
of
his
compassion
to
all
living
things,
man
will
not
himself
find
peace.
"
-Albert
Schweitzer
【只有当他把他的同情心扩展到所有生命中时,他才能找到自己的内心平静。
】
15.
"No
one
has
ever
become
poor
by
giving.
"
-Anne
Frank
【没有人因给予而成为贫穷。
】
16.
"If
you
want
others
to
be
happy,
practice
compassion.
If
you
want
to
be
happy,
practice
compassion.
"
-Dalai
Lama
【如果你想让别人快乐,那就实践同情;如果你想快乐,那就实践同情。
】
17.
"The
greatest
gift
you
can
give
someone
is
your
kindness.
"
-Unknown
【你能给别人的最好礼物就是你的温柔。
】
18.
"Spread
love
everywhere
you
go.
Let
no
one
ever
come
to
you
without
leaving
happier.
"
-Mother
Teresa
【无论你走到哪里,都要传播爱。
让别人来到你身边,从你身边离开时永远会带着快乐。
】
19.
"In
a
world
where
you
can
be
anything,
be
kind.
"
-Unknown
【在这个你可以变成任何人的世界里,一定要善良。
】
20.
"The
most
important
thing
in
the
world
is
family
and
love.
"
-John
Wooden
【世界上最重要的东西是家庭和爱。
】