.jpg)
1.
"The
beauty
of
kindness
lies
in
its
simplicity"
【Kindness】
2.
"In
a
world
where
you
can
be
anything,
choose
to
be
kind"
【ChooseKindness】
3.
"A
little
bit
of
kindness
can
go
a
long
way"
【SpreadLove】
4.
"Be
kind
to
others,
not
because
of
who
they
are,
but
because
of
who
you
are"
【BeKind】
5.
"Happiness
never
decreases
by
being
shared"
【SpreadHappiness】
6.
"One
small
act
of
kindness
can
make
a
world
of
difference"
【MakeADifference】
7.
"Be
someone's
sunshine
on
a
rainy
day"
【BeTheSunshine】
8.
"Kindness
is
a
language
that
everyone
can
understand"
【UniversalLanguage】
9.
"The
world
is
in
desperate
need
of
more
kindness
and
less
hate"
【StopTheHate】
10.
"A
kind
heart
is
a
fountain
of
gladness"
【GladHeart】
11.
"Life
is
too
short
to
not
be
kind"
【LifeIsShort】
12.
"Kindness
is
the
best
form
of
beauty"
【BeautyOfKindness】
13.
"Be
the
reason
someone
believes
in
the
goodness
of
people"
【BelieveInGoodness】
14.
"The
greatest
gift
you
can
give
someone
is
kindness"
【GreatestGift】
15.
"Small
acts
of
kindness
lead
to
big
changes
in
the
world"
【BeTheChange】
16.
"Spread
kindness
like
confetti"
【SpreadKindness】
17.
"Kindness
costs
nothing,
but
means
everything"
【MeansEverything】
18.
"Never
underestimate
the
power
of
a
kind
word
or
gesture"
【PowerOfKindness】
19.
"Being
kind
is
never
wasted"
【NeverWasted】
20.
"Kindness
is
a
chain
reaction,
let's
start
a
wave
of
it"
【ChainReaction】