.jpg)
1.
"Love
is
not
something
to
be
taken
for
granted.
"
【心情说说】
2.
"We
often
realize
the
value
of
love
only
when
it's
gone.
"
【爱情格言】
3.
"Don't
wait
until
it's
too
late
to
show
your
love.
"
【感悟人生】
4.
"Cherish
the
love
you
have
before
it's
too
late.
"
【生活感悟】
5.
"Love
is
a
precious
gift,
don't
waste
it.
"
【爱情警句】
6.
"True
love
is
rare,
hold
on
to
it
tight.
"
【爱情至理名言】
7.
"Love
is
not
about
possession,
it's
about
appreciation.
"
【人生感悟】
8.
"Don't
take
love
for
granted,
it's
not
a
given.
"
【爱情语录】
9.
"Love
is
not
a
guarantee,
it's
a
choice.
"
【情感语录】
10.
"Love
is
a
commitment,
not
a
convenience.
"
【爱情格言】
11.
"The
greatest
tragedy
in
love
is
not
loss,
but
regret.
"
【人生感悟】
12.
"Love
is
not
a
game,
it's
a
responsibility.
"
【爱情名言】
13.
"Love
is
not
just
a
feeling,
it's
an
action.
"
【人生语录】
14.
"The
most
important
thing
in
love
is
to
never
take
it
for
granted.
"
【情感警句】
15.
"True
love
is
a
treasure,
don't
let
it
slip
away.
"
【爱情格言】
16.
"Love
is
fragile,
handle
it
with
care.
"
【人生语录】
17.
"The
best
way
to
show
love
is
to
cherish
it
every
day.
"
【爱情名言】
18.
"Love
is
a
journey,
not
a
destination.
"
【人生感悟】
19.
"Take
care
of
love,
and
it
will
take
care
of
you.
"
【情感警句】
20.
"Don't
let
regret
be
the
only
thing
that
remains
of
your
love
story.
"
【生活感悟】