.jpg)
1.
"Bazinga!
Did
you
really
think
was
going
to
fall
for
that
prank?"
【笑话!
你真的以为我会上当受骗吗?】
2.
"Friendship
algorithm:
Accept,
reject,
reconsider.
"
【友谊算法:接受,拒绝,重新考虑。
】
3.
"Everything
always
works
out
in
the
end,
unless
it
doesn't.
"
【一切都会最终解决,除非它不会。
】
4.
"I'm
not
insane,
my
mother
had
me
tested.
"
【我不是疯了,我妈妈给我做了测试。
】
5.
"Love
is
in
the
air.
Wrong.
Nitrogen,
oxygen,
and
carbon
dioxide
are
in
the
air.
"
【爱在空气中。
错了,是氮、氧和二氧化碳。
】
6.
"I'm
not
crazy,
my
mother
had
me
tested.
.
.
again.
"
【我不是疯了,我妈妈又给我做了测试。
】
7.
"I'm
a
physicist,
not
a
psychic.
"
【我是物理学家,不是通灵者。
】
8.
"I
may
be
a
scientist,
but
still
believe
in
love
at
first
sight.
"
【我可能是一个科学家,但我仍然相信一见钟情。
】
9.
"There's
no
shame
in
being
crazy,
as
long
as
you're
not
alone.
"
【疯狂没什么丢脸的,只要你不是一个人。
】
10.
"I'm
not
crazy,
I'm
just
a
little
eccentric.
"
【我不疯,我只是有点古怪。
】
11.
"There's
no
problem
that
can't
be
solved
by
a
thermos
of
hot
cocoa.
"
【没有问题不能用一个热可可杯解决。
】
12.
"I'm
not
weird,
I'm
just
limited
edition.
"
【我不怪异,我只是限量版。
】
13.
"I'm
not
saying
I'm
Batman,
but
have
you
ever
seen
me
and
Batman
in
the
same
room?"
【我不是说我是蝙蝠侠,但你见过我和蝙蝠侠在同一个房间吗?】
14.
"I
don't
need
a
therapist,
have
Sheldon.
"
【我不需要治疗师,我有谢尔顿。
】
15.
"One
day
my
genius
and
my
ego
will
make
babies.
"
【有一天,我的天赋和自我会产生孩子。
】
16.
"I
may
be
highly
functioning,
but
I'm
still
on
the
spectrum.
"
【我可能是一个高效的人,但我仍然在谱系上。
】
17.
"If
had
a
time
machine,
the
first
thing
would
do
is
go
to
the
future
and
see
if
they've
made
a
Bazinga!-proof
jacket
yet.
"
【如果我有一台时间机器,我会第一时间去未来看看他们有没有研制出一种防止被Bazinga!诈骗的夹克。
】
18.
"I
can't
help
it,
I'm
a
compulsive
sharer.
"
【我不能控制,我是一个强制性的分享者。
】
19.
"I'm
not
a
geek,
I'm
a
nerd.
There's
a
difference.
"
【我不是个极客,我是个书呆子。
有区别。
】
20.
"I
don't
believe
in
bad
days,
just
days
that
haven't
had
enough
sugar
yet.
"
【我不相信有坏日子,只有没有吃够糖的日子。
】