1.
The
handsome
athlete
from
the
sports
school
has
caught
my
eye
with
his
chiseled
features
and
charming
smile.
【美丽体校运动员帅哥的雕刻般的面容和迷人的微笑已经吸引了我的目光。
】
2.
Every
time
watch
him
train,
I'm
amazed
by
his
dedication
and
hard
work.
【每次看着他训练,我都对他的敬业精神和勤奋工作感到惊叹。
】
3.
With
his
sculpted
muscles
and
strong
physique,
he's
the
embodiment
of
an
ideal
athlete.
【他雕刻般的肌肉和强壮的身材,是理想运动员的化身。
】
4.
There's
something
about
his
quiet
confidence
that
makes
him
stand
out
from
the
crowd.
【他的沉静自信散发的气质让他脱颖而出。
】
5.
Watching
him
compete
is
a
true
joy
-
he's
a
natural-born
winner.
【看着他比赛是一种真正的快乐
-
他是一个天生的赢家。
】
6.
It's
not
just
his
good
looks
that
make
him
attractive,
it's
the
way
he
carries
himself
with
grace
and
poise.
【他令人着迷的不仅仅是容貌,更是他优雅从容的举止。
】
7.
can't
help
but
be
drawn
to
his
magnetic
personality
and
magnetic
charm.
【我不禁被他的磁性个性和磁性魅力所吸引。
】
8.
He's
the
perfect
embodiment
of
the
phrase
"tall,
dark,
and
handsome".
【他是“高大、帅气、英俊”的完美化身。
】
9.
love
the
way
his
eyes
light
up
when
he
talks
about
his
passion
for
sports.
【我喜欢看他谈起他对体育的热情时眼中的火热。
】
10.
He
exudes
a
quiet
strength
that's
both
endearing
and
reassuring
at
the
same
time.
【他散发出一种沉静的力量,既让人感到亲切,又让人感到安心。
】
11.
Whenever
he's
around,
feel
a
sense
of
calm
and
serenity
that's
hard
to
come
by.
【每当他在身边时,我会感到一种难以寻找的平静和宁静。
】
12.
His
gentle
touches
and
warm
embraces
make
my
heart
skip
a
beat
every
time.
【他温柔的触摸和温暖的拥抱每一次都让我的心跳加快。
】
13.
can't
help
but
feel
proud
when
see
him
represent
his
school
and
country
on
the
international
stage.
【每当看到他在国际舞台上代表他的学校和国家时,我不禁感到骄傲。
】
14.
He's
not
just
a
pretty
face
-
he's
got
brains
to
match
his
brawn
as
well.
【他不仅仅是一个漂亮的面孔
-
他的头脑跟得上他的潇洒。
】
15.
When
he
plays,
he
makes
it
look
effortless
-
the
sign
of
a
true
master
of
his
craft.
【当他演奏时,他让自己看起来很轻松
-
这是一个真正的行家的标志。
】
16.
He's
got
a
infectious
laugh
and
a
great
sense
of
humor
that
make
him
all
the
more
endearing.
【他的感染力爆棚的笑声和伟大的幽默感让他更加惹人喜爱。
】
17.
He's
the
kind
of
person
who
always
puts
others
first,
no
matter
what.
【他是那种无论什么时候都把别人放在第一位的人。
】
18.
Whenever
I'm
feeling
down,
he's
always
there
to
lend
a
listening
ear
and
offer
comforting
words.
【无论何时我情绪低落,他总是在那里倾听我的心声并给予安慰的话语。
】
19.
He's
a
true
inspiration
to
anyone
who
wants
to
achieve
greatness
in
their
chosen
field.
【他对任何想在自己选择的领域取得卓越成就的人都是一个真正的启迪。
】
20.
feel
blessed
to
have
him
in
my
life
-
he's
a
true
gift
that
keeps
on
giving.
【我感到很幸运能有他在我的生命中
-
他是一个真正的礼物,一直在不断地给予。
】