.jpg)
1.
"My
internship
may
have
come
to
an
end,
but
the
lessons
learnt
and
memories
made
will
last
a
lifetime.
"【心有不舍】
2.
"Saying
goodbye
to
my
internship
feels
like
saying
goodbye
to
a
part
of
myself.
"【时光如梭】
3.
"I
never
realized
how
much
could
grow
in
just
a
few
short
months
until
my
internship
came
to
an
end.
"【收获满满】
4.
"It's
bittersweet
to
leave
my
internship
behind,
but
I'm
excited
for
what's
to
come.
"【胜败乃兵家常事】
5.
"The
end
of
my
internship
marks
a
new
chapter
in
my
life,
and
I'm
ready
to
take
on
whatever
comes
my
way.
"【一路顺风】
6.
"I'll
never
forget
the
amazing
colleagues
and
mentors
who
made
my
internship
experience
unforgettable.
"【感恩有你】
7.
"Saying
goodbye
is
never
easy,
but
know
that
I'll
always
hold
my
internship
experience
close
to
my
heart.
"【珍藏回忆】
8.
"As
my
internship
comes
to
an
end,
realize
that
the
real
world
is
both
exciting
and
scary
at
the
same
time.
"【迈向未来】
9.
"Goodbyes
always
leave
a
lingering
feeling
of
emptiness,
but
know
that
the
skills
I've
gained
during
my
internship
will
stay
with
me
forever.
"【遗留感慨】
10.
"Even
though
I'm
sad
to
leave
my
internship,
know
that
the
friendships
I've
made
will
transcend
beyond
the
workplace.
"【永恒友情】
11.
"It's
hard
to
say
goodbye
to
something
that
has
become
such
an
integral
part
of
my
life.
"【舍不得】
12.
"The
end
of
my
internship
marks
the
beginning
of
a
beautiful
journey.
"【人生如旅】
13.
"As
say
farewell
to
my
internship,
realize
that
the
most
valuable
things
I've
gained
are
intangible.
"【经验与成长】
14.
"I
never
thought
I'd
miss
my
internship,
but
now
that
it's
over,
I'm
filled
with
a
sense
of
nostalgia.
"【感受流连】
15.
"Saying
goodbye
to
my
internship
feels
like
saying
goodbye
to
a
family
I've
grown
to
love.
"【家庭氛围】
16.
"As
my
internship
comes
to
a
close,
I'm
filled
with
gratitude
for
the
opportunities
and
experiences
I've
had.
"【感慨万千】
17.
"My
internship
may
have
been
short,
but
it
has
made
a
lasting
impact
on
my
life.
"【短暂闪耀】
18.
"I
never
knew
an
internship
could
teach
me
so
much
about
life
and
myself.
"【人生导师】
19.
"Saying
goodbye
to
my
internship
reminds
me
to
embrace
new
beginnings
with
open
arms.
"【迎接新生】
20.
"The
end
of
my
internship
is
not
the
end,
but
rather
a
new
beginning.
"【再见未来】