.jpg)
1.
Love
is
a
beautiful
thing
that
fills
your
heart
with
warmth
and
happiness.
【爱情是一种美好的感觉,会让你的心充满温暖和幸福。
】
2.
Friendship
is
the
foundation
of
every
strong
relationship.
【友情是每个强大关系的基础。
】
3.
Real
love
is
not
just
about
saying
"I
love
you",
it's
about
showing
it
through
your
actions.
【真正的爱情不仅仅是说“我爱你”,它是通过你的行动来表现出来的。
】
4.
true
friend
is
someone
who
knows
you
inside
out
and
still
loves
you
unconditionally.
【真正的朋友是那些了解内心并无条件爱你的人。
】
5.
Love
is
not
always
easy,
but
it
is
always
worth
it.
【爱情并不总是容易的,但它总是值得的。
】
6.
good
friendship
is
one
where
you
can
be
yourself
and
still
be
loved
for
who
you
are.
【一段好的友谊是你可以做自己并且还能被爱的状态。
】
7.
True
love
is
a
journey,
not
a
destination.
【真正的爱情是一段旅程,而不是一个终点。
】
8.
friend
is
someone
who
listens
when
you
speak,
understands
when
you
don't
and
loves
you
anyway.
【朋友是一种在你说话时倾听,不当你不说话时却了解你并且无论如何仍然爱你的人。
】
9.
Love
is
giving
someone
the
power
to
destroy
you,
but
trusting
them
not
to.
【爱是给某人摧毁你的权力,但相信他们不会那么做。
】
10.
Good
friends
help
you
to
find
important
things
when
you
have
lost
them.
Your
smile,
your
hope,
and
your
courage.
【好的朋友在你迷失时帮助你找到重要的事情,你的笑容,你的希望和你的勇气。
】
11.
Love
doesn't
mean
perfection,
it
means
acceptance
of
imperfections.
【爱并不意味着完美,它意味着接受缺陷。
】
12.
You
don't
have
to
be
blood
to
be
family,
true
friends
become
family
with
their
love
and
support.
【你不必是鲜血关系才能成为家庭,真正的朋友凭借着他们的爱和支持成为家庭。
】
13.
Love
is
not
about
possession,
it's
about
appreciation.
【爱并不是关于拥有,它是关于欣赏的。
】
14.
The
best
kind
of
friendship
is
the
one
where
you
can
sit
on
a
porch
swing
together
without
saying
a
word
and
walk
away
feeling
like
you
had
the
best
conversation
ever.
【最好的友谊是那种你可以坐在门廊秋千上无需说一句话就能离开,但感觉像有最好的谈话。
】
15.
Love
is
a
journey
that
is
better
experienced
together.
【爱情是一段最好一起经历的旅程。
】
16.
true
friend
is
someone
who
sticks
with
you
through
thick
and
thin,
always
by
your
side.
【真正的朋友是那些无论何时都会伴随你走过丰富多彩和平淡无奇的人。
】
17.
Love
is
a
beautiful
thing
that
can
make
the
impossible
possible.
【爱情是一种美好的事情,可以让不可能变为可能。
】
18.
The
best
way
to
have
a
friend
is
to
be
one.
【拥有一个好朋友的最好方式就是成为一位好朋友。
】
19.
Love
is
not
a
feeling,
it's
an
action.
It's
not
only
what
we
say,
but
what
we
do.
【爱情不是一种感觉,它是一种行动。
它不仅仅是我们说的话,也是我们所做的事情。
】
20.
true
friend
is
someone
who
sees
the
pain
in
your
eyes
while
everyone
else
believes
your
smile.
【真正的朋友是那些在众人皆以为你笑容满面时看到你眼中的痛苦的人。
】