.jpg)
1.
"I
will
always
remember
the
good
times
we
shared
together.
"
【记得我们曾经一起度过的美好时光】
2.
"Thank
you
for
everything
you
have
taught
me
about
love
and
life.
"
【谢谢你教会我关于爱和生命的一切】
3.
"I
hope
we
can
both
find
happiness
and
peace
in
the
future.
"
【我希望我们都能在未来找到幸福和平静】
4.
"I
know
this
isn't
easy,
but
we
both
need
to
move
on
with
our
lives.
"
【我知道这不容易,但我们都需要继续前进】
5.
"Let's
end
things
on
a
positive
note
and
cherish
the
memories
we
made.
"
【让我们以积极的态度结束,珍惜我们创造的回忆】
6.
"I
will
always
respect
and
care
for
you,
even
though
our
romantic
relationship
is
over.
"
【尽管我们的恋爱关系结束了,我始终会尊重和关心你】
7.
"I
am
grateful
for
the
time
we
spent
together,
but
it's
time
for
us
to
go
our
separate
ways.
"
【我感激我们在一起的时光,但现在是我们分道扬镳的时候了】
8.
"I
wish
you
all
the
best
for
your
future
endeavors.
"
【祝你未来一切顺利】
9.
"Let's
remain
friends
and
support
each
other
through
this
difficult
time.
"
【让我们保持朋友关系,在这个艰难的时期互相支持】
10.
"Although
we
are
ending
our
romantic
relationship,
will
always
value
the
connection
we
had.
"
【尽管我们结束了恋爱关系,我始终珍视我们之间的联系】
11.
"I
promise
to
always
be
honest
and
transparent
with
you,
even
if
it
hurts.
"
【我保证始终诚实透明地面对你,尽管这可能会伤害到你】
12.
"Please
remember
that
my
love
for
you
will
never
fade,
even
if
we
are
no
longer
together.
"
【请记住,尽管我们不再在一起,我的爱永不褪色】
13.
"Let's
take
the
lessons
we
learned
from
our
relationship
and
use
them
to
better
ourselves.
"
【让我们从我们的恋爱中吸取经验教训,变得更好】
14.
"I
need
time
to
heal
and
process
my
emotions,
and
hope
you
can
be
patient
with
me.
"
【我需要时间来愈合和处理我的情感,希望你能耐心等待】
15.
"I
understand
if
you
need
space
and
time
to
move
on,
and
will
respect
your
wishes.
"
【我理解如果你需要空间和时间继续前进,我会尊重你的决定】
16.
"I
hope
we
can
both
find
closure
and
peace
with
this
decision.
"
【我希望我们都能在这个决定中找到一个圆满和平静】
17.
"I
will
always
be
grateful
for
the
love
and
kindness
you
showed
me
during
our
time
together.
"
【我将永远感激你在我们在一起期间给我带来的爱和善意】
18.
"Let's
end
on
a
positive
note
and
focus
on
the
good
things
that
came
out
of
our
relationship.
"
【让我们以积极的心态结束,专注于我们的恋爱中带来的好事】
19.
"I
will
always
remember
the
person
you
are,
and
hope
you
remember
the
person
am.
"
【我将永远铭记你的人,希望你也会记得我的人】
20.
"Thank
you
for
being
a
part
of
my
life
and
helping
me
grow
as
a
person.
"
【谢谢你成为我生活中的一部分,帮助我成长为一个更好的人】