.jpg)
1.
爱情是生命的力量所在
-
Love
is
the
force
that
drives
life.
】
2.
真正的爱情是无私的奉献
-
True
love
is
selfless
devotion.
】
3.
爱情是心灵的交融与共鸣
-
Love
is
the
fusion
and
resonance
of
the
souls.
】
4.
爱情是追求幸福的动力
-
Love
is
the
driving
force
behind
the
pursuit
of
happiness.
】
5.
爱情是沟通和包容的桥梁
-
Love
is
the
bridge
of
communication
and
understanding.
】
6.
爱情是彼此支持和鼓励的动力
-
Love
is
the
motivation
to
support
and
encourage
each
other.
】
7.
真正的爱情是持久和永恒的
-
True
love
is
enduring
and
eternal.
】
8.
爱情是让人变得更加完整和幸福的力量
-
Love
is
the
power
that
makes
us
feel
complete
and
happy.
】
9.
爱情是为对方着想和付出的责任
-
Love
is
the
responsibility
of
caring
and
giving
for
each
other.
】
10.
爱情是在困难时相互扶持和坚定的支持
-
Love
is
the
support
and
strength
we
find
in
each
other
during
difficult
times.
】
11.
爱情是相互理解和尊重的基石
-
Love
is
the
foundation
of
mutual
understanding
and
respect.
】
12.
爱情是在彼此领悟和接纳中成长的
-
Love
grows
through
mutual
understanding
and
acceptance.
】
13.
爱情是与对方分享喜悦和痛苦的勇气
-
Love
is
the
courage
to
share
both
joy
and
pain
with
each
other.
】
14.
爱情是为对方的幸福而奋斗的决心
-
Love
is
the
determination
to
strive
for
the
happiness
of
the
other
person.
】
15.
真正的爱情是不计较一切的付出
-
True
love
is
giving
without
expecting
anything
in
return.
】
16.
爱情是相互扶持和成长的营养
-
Love
is
the
nourishment
for
mutual
support
and
growth.
】
17.
爱情是在彼此信任和依赖中建立的基础
-
Love
is
built
on
a
foundation
of
trust
and
dependence
on
each
other.
】
18.
爱情是滋养灵魂的甘泉
-
Love
is
the
sweet
water
that
nourishes
the
soul.
】
19.
真正的爱情是包容和宽容的
-
True
love
is
understanding
and
forgiving.
】
20.
爱情是让人变得更加勇敢和坚定的力量
-
Love
is
the
power
that
makes
us
braver
and
stronger.
】