
编辑:admin 海王句子 2024-06-03 18:10:09 -

大家好,今天小编来为大家解答十年生活变化的句子英文这个问题,十年后的我 英语作文常用句子很多人还不知道,现在让我们一块儿来看看吧!



  1. 表达暗恋的英文句子
  2. 十年后的我 英语作文常用句子



A person's unrequited love, a person's forever. A personal fantasy forever.


Unrequited love is a kind of courtesy, narcissism is a kind of pride, bright love is a kind of style, not love is a kind of flavor.


Like you, it was my own thing.


Just like to have his total feeling, as far as forget that is a lifetime impossible.


Love is itself complete, and I no longer lack something.

I have a crush on you, you love me.


Dark lovers often face such an outcome, obviously is the purest love, but always buried in the bottom of my heart.


One day you can go to my mind, and you'll see the sorrow you gave me there.


Knowing love you will be painful, but I am willing to continue to hurt.


Do not go to like a person who is too dazzling, he can not see you.


Anyway, I didn't regret having liked you.


I love those people ah, why are you so angry!


Love will come to an end when it comes to an end, and when you don't want to stop, you can't do it.


I don't know if secret love can bring happiness. I only know that unrequited love is so deep and so quiet.


The furthest distance is not between life and death, but that she is right beside me without knowing I love her.


Unrequited love that kind of feeling, like the clouds in the sky, if hidden, if not, and dark, lovers heart also with that feeling, floating in the world.


I don't want to be friends with someone I secretly love. I'm afraid I'm getting deeper and deeper!


Unrequited love is a person to write two people's story.


Ten years later, perhaps we have been able to forget her, but found that her eyes have been filled with tears.


Unrequited love is also a kind of love, but the end of love is always heartache.


I don't know why. I just like my brother's woman!


Give me your romance. I can only stay with you every morning and evening!


Secret love is a solo, although I can't dance, but I have already tasted the taste of loneliness.


Eat fleshy girl will shine. I love him, watching him on the line, but always dare not bother him.


These days, these days, there's no day for me. I've been working on it for him.


See, the world is beautiful, invisible, Xiaguang miles; dark day, life lost.


The love magic love, vessel should last year marks, often secretly elvish, see love in the crowd when pro.


If you really love him, then go and he said ah, or cry, or spoiled playing or to call him with you!


I'm not a lady. What's wrong? I hate girls eating dumplings, and I still have ten. I'll take one.


Between us, you are the sun, I am the moon, and a little bit of your light can light up all of me.


It's better to have met than never to meet.


Unrequited love is a kind of power, but who can deny that unrequited love is insignificant?.


Every coin has its price, and the price of its happiness is pain.


The place I most want to travel, the heart of my secret admirer.


There is no such a person, a landscape, you countless times said to give up, but eventually still reluctant.


It takes courage to love someone, but more luck.


I can only look at you from far, in this deliberately with age, love is just a secret.


See, the world is beautiful, invisible, Xiaguang miles; dark day, life lost.


Melody, when to think, Beethoven's tune is always so sad, music, when to stop, no music days, you will not sad?.


My tears, how to separate?. Don't miss the original true feelings.


The heart of the move, who insisted?. The heart of that persistent obsession for whom?. In fact, you do not understand my heart, only I love you deeply.


Quietly, I fell in love with you, but I only dare to hide this feeling in my heart, even if I am a friend, as long as you are happy.


People who secretly believe that they will be strong, but their hearts are so fragile.


Because I really care, so I always Ptend not to care.


Unrequited love, need to withstand ten times the illusion of first love, a hundred times the lovelorn loneliness.


Unrequited love is a successful pantomime, saying it becomes a tragedy!


Unrequited love is a successful pantomime, if you say it, it becomes a tragedy.


Some words, doomed rotten in the heart. Some wounds are doomed to be difficult to heal. Some things are doomed not to erase. Some people are doomed to be irreplaceable.


Do not love me, do not ink, quickly ride your, she non-stop rolling!


Those unrequited love bloom in the humid monsoon, and then fester in wet rain water.


When my hair achieves waist length, he had with her shuangsushuangfei.


Those who are secretly in love are really good at it. They are born camouflage and can fool almost everyone.


Give me your romance. I can only stay with you every morning and evening!


Out of the window under the snow, a cup of coffee, and hold it cool, and I know, and think of you. My expectations, how can you understand?!


Sometimes, choose to keep a distance with someone, not because you don't care, but because you know you don't belong to him.


The fading night, with the pain, makes me unable to sleep, the melancholy moonlight, unexpectedly, your shadow hanging in my window.


Do you believe in fate? It is a mysterious and beautiful. As for us, I just want to tell you that I treasure it.


Shy like, what time a long tea.


A lot of people still only like it in silence, we don't have the courage to say it, but we are afraid that they will break their hearts when they say it.


I will be happy for him and sad for his sorrow, but he will only be happy for her and feel sad for her!


To the world you may be just one person, but to one person you may be the world.


I tell you all and your stories outside your world. Touched myself, but I could not infect you.


Love someone who doesn't love you, just like a ship at the airport.


When we were young, we didn't know how to love. When we know how to love, we are no longer young.


I can't love, but for you, my heart has changed.


He lives in her, and I live with him.


First go, bye, all for nothing, to heart, took pains to heart, does your heart, do not know my heart!


When will you miss me, just like I miss you like this.


I like you, so please don't walk around in my world. I'm afraid I don't want you to go out when you're coming.


Love is a person's adultery, ambiguous is two person's excuse.


It's not that I don't love him anymore. I just want to take some time to love myself.


To love someone in secret is like a seed in the bottle waiting for growing up, though not sure whether the future will be perfect, yet wait for it earnestly and eagerly!


There is a kind of like silence, and kind of silence called unrequited love.


In this way, we have entered a new life, and this love of our own gradually faded away, with us only the kind of deep.


It's getting used to hearing your name, so it's about looking up.


I wish I could stay with you forever if I only had one wish in my life.


Along the way, with the thief stared at you; I am not a thief, I just don't want to see the light.


Those who love secretly think they can wish her happiness, but this blessing is so reluctant.


It is painful to have a crush on someone, rather than exPss it.

[Two]、十年后的我 英语作文常用句子

常用与开头的短语、句式『1』 with the(rapidly)growing popularity of(computers/private cars) in China,the quality of our lives has been considerably changed。『2』 With the(rapid)growth of(our economy/population),many problems such as(water shortages/waste of energy/lack of professionals and chaotic management)are beginng to surface『3』 With the development of(science and technology/market economy),more and more/an increasing number of people come to realize that…『4』 Currently there is a widespread/serious concern over(illegal publication/drug abuse/negative influence of western cultures).『5』 Nowadays,a heated debated/discussion about…is under way in China.some people believe that…,whereas others argue that…『6』 There are some reasons for owning(private cars/ personal computers).To begin with,…Next,…Last,…There are,on the oher hand,many reasons against it,First,…Second,…Finally,…『7』 There are many advantanges and disadvantages in(owning a car).『8』 There are various/at least three ways/possible techniques/problems/methods to do something『9』 Smoking/Alcoholic beverage should be banned from college campuses for toe reasons.The first reason is that…The second reason is that…/On the one hand,… On the other hand,…『10』 The possible solutions of(the enery crisis/water shortanges/these social problems)depend on three factors…『11』 The tow major reasons responsible for(the rapid economic growth/the widespread of fake products)are…2.常用于结尾的短语、句式『1』 It is hoped that we should place much emphasis on/pay more attention to。。。『2』 To conclude,we can see that(the best way/the possible solution)is。。。『3』 In short,(shortages of water,decrease of fertile fields and environmental pollution)are the major problems to be solved to(increase rain production)。『4』 In order to make our world a better palce in which to live we should make great efforts to。。。『5』 In a word,there are three suggestions we must follow,only in this way can we(achieve a great success)。『6』 It is time for us to take an actie part in。。。『7』 Let us work hand in hand in hand to(solve these social problems)3.陈述或论证观点、看法(view,point,opinion)、原因(reason、cause)、方法、手段、措施、步骤。。。。。。(method,means,measures,step。。。)、因素(factor)、利弊、优缺点(advantage,disadvantage)时常用的词语、句式:『1』引述段落提出问题时常用的句式、词语:。。。。的原因有许多。There are many reasons why。。。。。。。的原因如下;The reasons why。。。are as follows我的看法是。。。。My opinon is that『2』展开段落论证时常用的句式、词语:①、第一层次(首先)First,Firstly,In the first place,First of all,To begin with,For one thing。我的第一理由是。。。My first reason is that。。。主要因素是。。。。The main factor is that。。。②第二层次(其次)Second,Secondly,In the Second plce,Next,Then,For another,另一种方法是。。。Another means of。。。is to do。。第二种解决方法是。。。the second solution is that。。。③第三层次(第三点)Third,athirdly,besides,in adition,furthermore,what is more important『3』总结性段落常用句式、词语:最后一点 last,lastly,finally,in the last place,last of all,in short,in brief简言之 in a word,in summary,tosum up总之, in conclusion,on the whole,altogether,in all因此, so,thus,hence,therefor。Consequently,for thee reasons结果, in consequence,as a result由此可见。。。 it will be seen from it that如上所述,我们可以得出结论。。。as has been said above,we can conclude/make a conclusion/draw a conclusion/reach a conclusion come to aconclusion that。。。『4』将事物的正反、好坏两方面,或者将两种不同事物进行比较,对比时常用的句式、短语:然而 while,whereas,but,however,nevertheless尽管如此 in spite of that,despite all this但在另一方面 but on the other hand与。。。相比 in/by in comparison with。。。/as compare with。。。对比之下 by/in contrast与。。。相反 as opposed to。。。/instead of。。。相反 on the contrary,instead他们的区别如下 The differences sre as follows;the differences can be described as followsA与B之间的不同在于。。。。the differences between A and B is/lies in/exests in/consists in。。。;A is different from B in。。。
