.jpg)
1.
"Let's
take
a
deep
breath
and
approach
this
task
with
a
clear
mind,"
the
teacher
said
soothingly.
【温柔引导】
2.
"I
believe
in
you,
and
know
that
you
can
do
this,"
the
teacher
encouraged
her
students.
【鼓励激励】
3.
"Remember,
mistakes
are
a
part
of
the
learning
process.
Don't
be
afraid
to
make
them,"
the
teacher
reminded
her
class.
【鼓励面对错误】
4.
"I'm
here
to
help
you,
so
please
don't
hesitate
to
ask
for
assistance,"
the
teacher
offered.
【提供帮助】
5.
"Let's
work
together
to
find
the
best
solution
for
this
problem,"
said
the
teacher.
【鼓励合作】
6.
"You
are
all
capable
of
achieving
great
things,
and
I'm
here
to
guide
you
along
the
way,"
the
teacher
affirmed.
【肯定学生能力】
7.
"Take
your
time
and
don't
rush
through
the
process.
Quality
work
takes
time,"
the
teacher
advised.
【鼓励细致】
8.
"I'm
proud
of
the
progress
you've
made
so
far.
Keep
up
the
good
work,"
the
teacher
praised.
【表扬进步】
9.
"Sometimes
we
learn
more
from
our
failures
than
our
successes.
Don't
be
afraid
to
fail,"
the
teacher
reassured
her
students.
【安慰面对失败】
10.
"Remember,
every
effort
counts.
Even
small
steps
can
lead
to
big
accomplishments,"
the
teacher
inspired.
【鼓励积极行动】
11.
"Treat
yourself
with
kindness
and
take
care
of
your
well-being.
That's
the
foundation
of
success,"
the
teacher
reminded.
【提醒照顾自己】
12.
"Let's
approach
this
task
with
a
sense
of
curiosity,
enthusiasm,
and
excitement,"
the
teacher
sparked
the
class's
interest.
【激发兴趣】
13.
"Great
things
come
from
hard
work
and
perseverance.
Let's
work
together
to
make
it
happen,"
the
teacher
said
with
determination.
【鼓励耐心与坚持】
14.
"It's
okay
to
ask
questions
and
seek
clarification.
That's
how
we
learn,"
the
teacher
encouraged
the
class.
【鼓励提问】
15.
"I'm
honored
to
be
your
teacher,
and
I'm
here
to
support
you
every
step
of
the
way,"
the
teacher
expressed
gratitude
towards
her
students.
【感恩学生】
16.
"Think
outside
the
box
and
be
creative.
There's
more
than
one
way
to
solve
a
problem,"
the
teacher
prompted
her
students.
【激发创造力】
17.
"Mistakes
may
happen,
but
they
don't
define
who
you
are.
What
you
do
after
the
mistake
does,"
the
teacher
reminded
the
class.
【提醒值得做的事】
18.
"Always
strive
to
do
your
best,
but
don't
forget
to
take
breaks
and
recharge.
You're
not
a
machine,"
the
teacher
reminded
her
students.
【提醒适度休息】
19.
"Let's
focus
on
progress,
not
perfection.
We're
all
here
to
learn,"
the
teacher
emphasized.
【鼓励进步】
20.
"You
have
the
power
to
make
a
positive
impact
on
the
world.
Let's
begin
with
small
acts
of
kindness,"
the
teacher
inspired.
【激发行动力】