1.
"My
heart
aches
for
the
people
who've
had
their
wallets
stolen,
but
maybe
they
gained
something
they
didn't
even
know
they
needed
–
a
reminder
to
hold
their
loved
ones
even
tighter.
"
【钱包偷了,你或许得到了一份无意之中获得的礼物,那就是提醒你更加珍视你的亲人。
】
2.
"We
spend
our
lives
stealing
moments
of
happiness,
but
when
someone
takes
our
wallet,
we
realize
we've
been
granted
something
more
precious
–time
with
the
ones
we
love.
"
【生命中寻找快乐的时刻,而当你的钱包被人偷时,你会体会到更有价值的,那就是和你所爱的人在一起的时间。
】
3.
"Your
wallet
may
have
been
stolen,
but
your
spirit
can
never
be
taken.
Keep
holding
on
to
hope,
love
and
joy.
"
【你的钱包可能被人偷走,但你的精神无法被带走。
继续坚持希望、爱和快乐。
】
4.
"In
a
world
where
everything
can
be
lost
in
an
instant,
hold
on
to
the
memories
that
cannot
be
stolen
–the
love
you
have
for
yourself
and
others.
"
【在即刻可能失去的世界里,留住那些无法偷走的回忆——你对自己和他人的爱。
】
5.
"No
matter
how
much
money
is
stolen
from
you,
it
can't
take
away
the
abundance
of
love
and
friendships
you
have
in
your
life.
"
【无论被偷了多少钱,都无法剥夺你生活中丰富的爱和友谊。
】
6.
"When
your
wallet
is
stolen,
it's
a
reminder
that
the
things
we
possess
are
only
temporary,
but
the
love
we
give
and
receive
can
last
a
lifetime.
"
【当你的钱包被偷走时,它提醒我们所有拥有的东西都是暂时的,但我们给予和接受的爱可以持久。
】
7.
"Hold
on
to
the
things
that
really
matter
in
life
–
love,
compassion,
generosity
–
when
your
wallet
is
taken
from
you.
"
【当你的钱包被拿走时,坚持珍视生命中真正重要的东西——爱、同情和慷慨。
】
8.
"When
your
wallet
is
stolen,
it's
a
chance
to
reassess
what
truly
makes
you
happy
and
what
you
need
in
your
life.
"
【当你的钱包被偷走时,它是一个重新评估生命中真正让你幸福和你需要的东西的机会。
】
9.
"Losing
your
wallet
can
feel
like
a
violation,
but
remember
that
your
strength
and
resilience
cannot
be
taken
away.
"
【失去钱包可能会让你感到受到了侵犯,但记住你的力量和韧性是无法剥夺的。
】
10.
"When
your
wallet
is
stolen,
it
can
feel
like
the
worst
has
happened
–
but
there's
always
a
silver
lining,
if
you
look
hard
enough.
"
【当你的钱包被偷走时,会让你感到最糟糕的事情发生了——但是,如果你足够努力去寻找,总会发现一线光明。
】
11.
"Your
wallet
may
have
been
taken,
but
your
kindness
and
generosity
can
never
be
stolen.
"
【你的钱包可能被拿走了,但你的仁慈和慷慨是无法偷走的。
】
12.
"The
loss
of
your
wallet
may
seem
like
a
crisis,
but
it
can
also
be
an
opportunity
for
growth,
reflection,
and
change.
"
【钱包的失去可能像是一场危机,但它也是一个成长、反思和改变的机会。
】
13.
"The
things
that
can
truly
be
stolen
from
you
-
your
happiness,
your
peace
of
mind,
your
sense
of
purpose
-
are
the
things
that
no
one
can
ever
take
from
you.
"
【真正能被人偷走的东西——你的幸福、内心的平静、使命感——却是没有人能带走的。
】
14.
"When
your
wallet
is
stolen,
it
can
be
a
scary
and
unsettling
experience.
But
remember
that
you
are
strong
and
capable
enough
to
handle
anything
that
comes
your
way.
"
【钱包被偷走可能会让你感到害怕和不安,但请记住你足够坚强和能胜任应对任何事情。
】
15.
"The
loss
of
your
wallet
may
remind
you
of
the
fragility
of
life
–
a
reminder
to
appreciate
and
cherish
every
moment.
"
【失去钱包也许会提醒你生命的脆弱——提醒你珍视和感激每一刻。
】
16.
"When
your
wallet
is
stolen,
it's
a
chance
to
practice
forgiveness
and
letting
go
of
material
possessions.
"
【当你的钱包被偷走时,它是一个实践宽恕和放下物质财富的机会。
】
17.
"Losing
your
wallet
may
feel
like
a
setback,
but
it
can
also
be
an
opportunity
to
create
a
new
path
forward.
"
【失去钱包可能会让你感到遭受挫败,但它也是一个创建新道路的机会。
】
18.
"The
loss
of
your
wallet
may
leave
you
feeling
vulnerable,
but
it's
important
to
stay
open
to
the
beauty
and
goodness
that
surrounds
you.
"
【失去钱包可能会让你感到脆弱,但保持对你周围美好和善良的开放是非常重要的。
】
19.
"When
your
wallet
is
stolen,
it
can
feel
like
you're
alone
and
helpless.
But
remember
that
there
are
people
who
care
and
want
to
help
you.
"
【当你的钱包被偷走时,你可能会感到孤独和无助。
但请记住,有人关心你并愿意帮助你。
】
20.
"The
loss
of
your
wallet
may
be
a
hard
pill
to
swallow,
but
it's
a
reminder
that
the
only
things
that
truly
matter
in
this
life
are
the
memories
and
love
we
have
shared
with
others.
"
【失去钱包可能会让你感到心如刀绞,但它也提醒我们——在这个世界上,唯一真正关键的是,我们和他人之间所留下的回忆和爱。
】