.jpg)
1.
"Back
from
the
dead
and
ready
to
live
life
to
the
fullest!"
【#GratefulToBeAlive】
2.
"I
may
have
been
six
feet
under,
but
that
didn't
stop
me
from
coming
back
stronger
than
ever!"
【#UndeniableStrength】
3.
"Death
may
have
knocked
me
down,
but
rose
again
to
show
it
who's
boss!"
【#BackFromTheGrave】
4.
"I've
learned
to
appreciate
every
moment
of
life
after
my
near-death
experience.
"
【#LifeIsPrecious】
5.
"I've
gained
a
new
perspective
on
life
after
facing
my
own
mortality.
"
【#PerspectiveShift】
6.
"I've
come
back
from
the
other
side
with
a
renewed
sense
of
purpose
and
determination!"
【#ResilienceIsKey】
7.
"I
never
knew
how
much
loved
life
until
almost
lost
it.
"
【#GratefulEveryDay】
8.
"I'm
back
and
better
than
ever
before!"
【#NeverGiveUp】
9.
"I've
been
given
a
second
chance
at
life,
and
don't
intend
to
waste
it!"
【#MakeItCount】
10.
"I
may
have
had
one
foot
in
the
grave,
but
pulled
myself
back
out!"
【#SurvivalOfTheFittest】
11.
"Death
tried
to
take
me
down,
but
it
couldn't
keep
me
there.
"
【#UnbreakableSpirit】
12.
"I've
overcome
the
ultimate
obstacle
and
emerged
victorious!"
【#TriumphOverAdversity】
13.
"I've
proven
that
even
death
can't
keep
a
good
person
down.
"
【#RiseAbove】
14.
"I'm
so
grateful
for
the
gift
of
life,
and
won't
take
it
for
granted
again.
"
【#LiveWithPurpose】
15.
"I've
learned
to
never
give
up
on
myself,
even
in
the
face
of
death.
"
【#KeepFighting】
16.
"Death
may
have
knocked
on
my
door,
but
kicked
it
down
and
came
back
stronger
than
before!"
【#NeverSurrender】
17.
"I've
emerged
from
the
darkness
and
into
the
light
once
again!"
【#LightAtTheEndOfTheTunnel】
18.
"My
battle
with
death
has
only
made
me
stronger.
"
【#StrengthFromStruggle】
19.
"I'm
humbled
by
the
experience
of
overcoming
death
and
am
determined
to
live
a
life
of
purpose.
"
【#HumbledAndDetermined】
20.
"I've
defied
the
odds
and
come
back
from
the
brink
of
death,
proving
that
anything
is
possible!"
【#AnythingIsPossible】