.jpg)
1.
"Love
one
another
as
have
loved
you.
"
-
John
15:12
【爱人如己,如我所爱。
】
2.
"Cast
all
your
anxiety
on
Him
because
He
cares
for
you.
"
-
Peter
5:7
【把你所有的焦虑都交托给他,因为他关心你。
】
3.
"Be
still
and
know
that
am
God.
"
-
Psalm
46:10
【保持安静,知道我是神。
】
4.
"Trust
in
the
Lord
with
all
your
heart
and
lean
not
on
your
own
understanding.
"
-
Proverbs
3:5
【全心信靠上帝,不要倚靠自己的聪明才智。
】
5.
"Do
not
be
afraid,
for
am
with
you.
"
-
Isaiah
41:10
【不要害怕,因为我与你同在。
】
6.
"Whatever
you
do,
work
at
it
with
all
your
heart,
as
working
for
the
Lord,
not
for
human
masters.
"
-
Colossians
3:23
【无论你做什么,都要全心全意地工作,像是为主而工作,而不是为人而工作。
】
7.
"For
God
so
loved
the
world
that
He
gave
His
one
and
only
Son,
that
whoever
believes
in
Him
shall
not
perish
but
have
eternal
life.
"
-
John
3:16
【上帝爱世人,祂赐下独生子,凡信祂的人都不至灭亡,反得永生。
】
8.
"The
Lord
is
my
shepherd,
lack
nothing.
"
-
Psalm
23:1
【上帝是我的牧者,我必不缺乏。
】
9.
"For
everything
there
is
a
season,
and
a
time
for
every
matter
under
heaven.
"
-
Ecclesiastes
3:1
【凡事都有时候,在天下万务之中都有定期。
】
10.
"So
God
created
mankind
in
His
own
image,
in
the
image
of
God
He
created
them;
male
and
female
He
created
them.
"
-
Genesis
1:27
【神就照自己的形像造人,乃是照着他的形像造男造女。
】
11.
"Be
kind
and
compassionate
to
one
another,
forgiving
each
other,
just
as
in
Christ
God
forgave
you.
"
-
Ephesians
4:32
【要彼此善良、慈悲相待,彼此宽恕,就如同主在基督里宽恕了你们一样。
】
12.
"Seek
first
His
kingdom
and
His
righteousness,
and
all
these
things
will
be
given
to
you
as
well.
"
-
Matthew
6:33
【你们要先求他的国和他的义,这些东西都必加给你们了。
】
13.
"Let
your
light
shine
before
others,
that
they
may
see
your
good
deeds
and
glorify
your
Father
in
heaven.
"
-
Matthew
5:16
【要让你们的光在人前照耀,好叫他们看见你们的善行,而荣耀你们在天上的父。
】
14.
"He
has
shown
you,
mortal,
what
is
good.
And
what
does
the
Lord
require
of
you?
To
act
justly
and
to
love
mercy
and
to
walk
humbly
with
your
God.
"
-
Micah
6:8
【上帝已经告诉你们,人啊,他所要的是什么呢?只是你们行公义、好怜悯、存谦卑的心,与你们的上帝同行。
】
15.
"Rejoice
always,
pray
continually,
give
thanks
in
all
circumstances;
for
this
is
God's
will
for
you
in
Christ
Jesus.
"
-
Thessalonians
5:16-18
【应当常常喜乐,不住地祷告,凡事感谢,因为这是在基督耶稣里神向你们所定的旨意。
】
16.
"As
for
God,
His
way
is
perfect;
the
word
of
the
Lord
is
proven
true.
"
-
Psalm
18:30
【至于上帝,祂的道是完全的,耶和华的话是被证实的。
】
17.
"Do
not
let
any
unwholesome
talk
come
out
of
your
mouths,
but
only
what
is
helpful
for
building
others
up
according
to
their
needs,
that
it
may
benefit
those
who
listen.
"
-
Ephesians
4:29
【任何污秽的言语都不可出口,只要说对人有益的、建立人的话,要按着各人所需的,好叫听见的人得益处。
】
18.
"Whoever
is
kind
to
the
poor
lends
to
the
Lord,
and
He
will
reward
them
for
what
they
have
done.
"
-
Proverbs
19:17
【怜悯穷人的,就是借给耶和华,他的善行,耶和华必报应。
】
19.
"Believe
in
the
Lord
Jesus,
and
you
will
be
saved.
"
-
Acts
16:31
【当信主耶稣,你和你的家人,都必得救。
】
20.
"And
over
all
these
virtues
put
on
love,
which
binds
them
all
together
in
perfect
unity.
"
-
Colossians
3:14
【最重要的是要披上爱,因为爱是联络一切完全的纽带。
】