
编辑:admin 海王句子 2024-12-24 06:01:25 -



  1. 关于玩的开心的句子有哪些呢英语
  2. 开心幸福的英文句子 平淡幸福的唯美英语句子
  3. 关于开心的英语句子。



1. Playing with friends makes me happy.(和朋友一起玩耍让我很开心。)

2. I love playing outdoors in the sunshine.(我喜欢在阳光下户外玩耍。)

3. Playing games is a great way to unwind after a long day.(玩**是一种很好的方式,在漫长的一天之后放松心情。)

4. Jumping on a trampoline is so much fun!(在蹦床上跳跃真是太有趣了!)

5. Playing sports helps me stay healthy and happy.(参加运动让我保持健康和快乐。)

6. I always feel refreshed and energized after playing with my dog.(和我的狗玩耍后,我总是感到精神焕发,充满活力。)

7. Playing music is my favorite hobby. It brings me joy and peace.(弹奏音乐是我最喜欢的爱好,它带给我快乐和平静。)

8. I love playing board games with my family. It's a great way to bond and have fun together.(我喜欢和家人一起玩桌游,这是一种很好的方式来加强感情,一起享受快乐。)


[Two]、开心幸福的英文句子 平淡幸福的唯美英语句子

〖One〗、高兴得忘乎所以,手舞足蹈!Happy dancing!

〖Two〗、快乐是成功的副产品。Happiness is a byproduct of success.

〖Three〗、快乐,使生命得以延续。Happiness, so that life can continue.

〖Four〗、我的幸福,就是看着你幸福。My happiness is to see you happy.

〖Five〗、我们的目标:向钱看,向厚赚。Our goal: money, to make thick.

〖Six〗、爱情献出了一切,却依然富有。Love gave everything, but still rich.

〖Seven〗、你,你终于肯承认是我的夫人了!You, you finally admit to be my wife!

〖Eight〗、自私自利的人永远找不到快乐。Selfish people can never find happiness.

〖Nine〗、家庭和睦是人生最快乐的事。Family harmony is the happiest thing in life.

〖Ten〗、快乐使人身体无病,心灵无疾。Happiness makes the body sick and soul free.

1〖One〗、我欣喜若狂,三步并作两步就跑过去。I quickly ran over to tread on air.

1〖Two〗、他的心就像久旱的苗儿喝倒了水!His heart like a Miaoer down to drink water!

1〖Three〗、如愿便是满足,满足即是幸福。Pleasure is satisfaction, happiness is happiness.

1〖Four〗、我的心里甜滋滋的,感到了从未有过的欢乐。I felt, had never felt the joy.

1〖Five〗、就算是美好的结局、也比不上没有结局。Even the happy ending, is not as good as no end.


〖One〗、Learning English is a like a happy journey. You start from where you know nothing or little about English, and on the way you come to learn words, sentences, grammar, sound, and learn how to read and to speak. Until one day you could talk with people in English! Imagine how happy you will be. So we all can see that learning English is a happy thing.

