.jpg)
1.
The
city
lights
shimmer
like
stars
in
the
autumn
night
sky.
【美丽的城市夜景,如同秋夜星空闪烁。
】
2.
There's
a
certain
magic
to
witnessing
the
changing
colors
of
autumn
at
night.
【在夜晚看到秋的变幻色彩,仿佛置身于另一种魔法世界。
】
3.
Evenings
in
autumn
offer
a
perfect
setting
for
a
romantic
stroll.
【秋日傍晚,是一场浪漫漫步的完美时光。
】
4.
The
cool
breeze
and
warm
glow
of
autumn
nights
always
leave
me
feeling
refreshed.
【秋夜的凉风暖晕,总是令我心情宜人。
】
5.
There's
something
enchanting
about
the
way
the
moon
illuminates
the
city
streets
on
an
autumn
night.
【月色如水,照亮了秋夜的城市街道,别有一番魅力。
】
6.
In
the
city,
the
sound
of
leaves
rustling
and
crunching
underfoot
is
a
comforting
melody
on
a
quiet
autumn
evening.
【走在城市里,听着落叶簌簌声,成为了秋夜静谧最美的乐曲。
】
7.
The
late
autumn
nights
are
perfect
for
curling
up
with
a
good
book
and
a
warm
drink.
【深秋夜晚,携一本好书和一杯热饮,舒适惬意。
】
8.
Watching
the
fog
roll
in
over
the
city
skyline
is
nothing
short
of
breathtaking
on
an
autumn
night.
【在秋夜,云雾慢悠悠的浮现在城市天际线上,美得令人屏息。
】
9.
The
crisp
crunch
of
autumn
leaves
beneath
your
feet
is
like
music
to
the
senses
on
a
moonlit
night.
【在月色下,咯咯作响的秋叶,宛若美妙的音符,满足了所有官感。
】
10.
The
hues
of
autumn
leaves
are
even
more
vibrant
when
illuminated
under
the
city
lights
at
night.
【城市灯光下,秋叶色彩更丰富鲜艳。
】
11.
Autumn
nights
are
perfect
for
gathering
around
a
fire
pit
and
sharing
stories
with
friends.
【秋夜,与朋友聚在篝火旁,讲讲故事,别有一番乐趣。
】
12.
The
chilly
autumn
nights
are
an
excuse
to
cuddle
up
closer
with
loved
ones
for
warmth.
【风凉如水的秋夜,更多了与爱人倚偎相依的机会。
】
13.
The
mist
that
hangs
low
over
the
city
on
an
autumn
night
is
like
a
mysterious
veil
waiting
to
be
lifted.
【在秋夜,笼罩在城市上空的薄雾,像是一层神秘的面纱,唯待揭开。
】
14.
The
warmth
of
a
cozy
sweater
paired
with
the
cool
air
of
autumn
nights
is
the
ultimate
comfort.
【穿上舒适的毛衣,在秋夜凉爽的空气里感受着舒适,那是终极享受。
】
15.
The
autumn
city
lights
cast
a
warm
and
welcoming
glow
over
the
bustling
streets
below.
【在城市的万家灯火里,秋日温馨的氛围洋溢着整个繁忙的街道。
】
16.
Trees
that
were
once
lush
and
green
are
now
adorned
with
the
colors
of
autumn,
and
they
look
especially
magical
at
night.
【曾经繁茂的树木,变得斑驳的秋叶,夜晚更是充满了魔力。
】
17.
There's
a
certain
peacefulness
to
the
city
at
nightfall
in
autumn,
like
the
whole
world
is
taking
a
deep
breath
in
preparation
for
the
colder
months
ahead.
【秋夜晚上的城市,宁静而和谐,如同世界为了即将来临的寒冷而鸣声呼吸。
】
18.
With
the
sun
setting
earlier
and
earlier,
autumn
nights
offer
more
hours
of
darkness
and
time
to
explore
the
city
by
night.
【随着日落时间的逐渐提前,秋夜有更多的时间探索城市的漂亮夜景。
】
19.
The
cool
breeze
of
an
autumn
night
is
like
a
refreshing
reminder
of
the
changing
of
the
seasons.
【秋夜的清风,是对即将到来的季节更迭的提醒。
】
20.
Autumn
nights
are
meant
for
making
memories,
whether
it's
with
loved
ones
or
exploring
the
city
solo.
【无论是和爱人共度,还是独自探索城市,秋夜都值得留下美好的回忆。
】