.jpg)
1.
"When
tears
fall,
sometimes
it's
the
only
way
to
cleanse
our
soul
of
the
pain.
"
【伤感书摘抄语录大全】
2.
"Sadness
isn't
weakness,
it's
a
sign
of
strength.
It
means
you've
been
strong
for
too
long.
"
【伤感书摘抄语录大全】
3.
"The
worst
kind
of
pain
is
when
you're
smiling
to
hold
back
the
tears.
"
【伤感书摘抄语录大全】
4.
"Hurt
people
hurt
people,
but
sometimes
hurt
people
just
hurt
themselves.
"
【伤感书摘抄语录大全】
5.
"I
wish
could
go
back
to
the
moment
before
everything
changed
and
just
freeze
that
moment.
"
【伤感书摘抄语录大全】
6.
"You
can't
control
everything
in
your
life,
but
you
can
control
how
you
react
to
it.
"
【伤感书摘抄语录大全】
7.
"Sometimes,
the
only
way
to
heal
a
broken
heart
is
to
cry
yourself
to
sleep
every
night.
"
【伤感书摘抄语录大全】
8.
"The
hardest
thing
about
moving
on
is
realizing
the
other
person
has
already
moved
on.
"
【伤感书摘抄语录大全】
9.
"People
say
time
heals
all
wounds,
but
sometimes
the
scars
remain
forever.
"
【伤感书摘抄语录大全】
10.
"Life
isn't
about
waiting
for
the
storm
to
pass,
it's
about
learning
to
dance
in
the
rain.
"
【伤感书摘抄语录大全】
11.
"Sometimes
the
most
beautiful
things
come
from
the
darkest
of
times.
"
【伤感书摘抄语录大全】
12.
"It's
okay
to
cry
and
not
be
okay.
It's
okay
to
be
lost
and
not
have
answers.
"
【伤感书摘抄语录大全】
13.
"The
pain
of
love
is
the
same
as
the
pain
of
leaving.
It
hurts
either
way.
"
【伤感书摘抄语录大全】
14.
"The
worst
part
about
heartbreak
is
that
it
never
fully
goes
away.
It
just
becomes
a
dull
ache
you
learn
to
live
with.
"
【伤感书摘抄语录大全】
15.
"Sometimes
tears
are
just
words
the
heart
can't
say.
"
【伤感书摘抄语录大全】
16.
"When
someone
hurts
us,
we
often
say
'they
broke
my
heart.
'
But
the
reality
is,
the
heart
doesn't
break;
it
just
hurts
like
hell.
"
【伤感书摘抄语录大全】
17.
"The
only
thing
worse
than
being
alone
is
being
with
someone
who
doesn't
want
to
be
with
you.
"
【伤感书摘抄语录大全】
18.
"We
don't
remember
days,
we
remember
moments.
The
good
ones
and
the
bad
ones.
"
【伤感书摘抄语录大全】
19.
"Sometimes
the
strongest
people
are
the
ones
who
cry
alone
at
night.
"
【伤感书摘抄语录大全】
20.
"It's
okay
to
be
sad.
It's
okay
to
feel
pain.
It's
okay
to
need
time
to
heal.
"
【伤感书摘抄语录大全】