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1.
爱情,像一朵绽放的花朵,美丽而短暂,如同这段故事一样【Love,
like
a
blooming
flower,
is
beautiful
yet
fleeting,
just
like
this
story.
】
2.
我们的爱情就像是风中的细沙,不经意间消失,只剩下伤痛流淌【Our
love,
like
sand
in
the
wind,
disappeared
unintentionally,
leaving
only
a
stream
of
pain.
】
3.
在你眼里,我只是路人甲,而你却是我命中注定的伤疤【In
your
eyes,
am
just
a
passerby,
while
you
are
the
scar
destined
to
be
in
my
life.
】
4.
这段爱情,早已渐行渐远,只剩下我一个人在回忆里不断地徘徊【This
love
has
long
been
drifting
away,
leaving
only
me
wandering
in
memories.
】
5.
爱情是一首凄美的歌,唱尽了心痛的旋律,只剩下寂寞陪伴【Love
is
a
melancholy
song,
singing
the
tune
of
heartache,
leaving
only
loneliness
as
company.
】
6.
我们曾经的爱情就像是一条河流,荡涤了心灵的污垢,却也带走了一切【Our
past
love
is
like
a
river,
cleansing
the
dirt
in
our
souls,
but
also
taking
away
everything.
】
7.
爱情是一场病,让我在失去你的瞬间,感觉自己垂危【Love
is
a
disease
that
makes
me
feel
on
the
verge
of
death
when
lose
you
in
an
instant.
】
8.
你的离去如同一场狂风,把我的心撕得粉碎,留下一地的心碎【Your
departure
is
like
a
gust
of
wind,
tearing
my
heart
apart
and
leaving
a
floor
full
of
shattered
pieces.
】
9.
爱情是一杯毒酒,我纵情饮醉,却醒来时发现自己已陷入深渊【Love
is
a
poisoned
wine,
as
indulged
and
got
drunk,
only
to
wake
up
and
find
myself
trapped
in
the
abyss.
】
10.
我们的爱情如同天空的烟雾,一刹那的美丽,却转瞬即逝【Our
love
is
like
the
smoke
in
the
sky,
beautiful
for
a
moment,
but
fleeting.
】
11.
爱情是一场冷雨,淋湿了我的思念,也冰冻了我内心的渴望【Love
is
a
cold
rain,
dampening
my
longing
and
freezing
the
desires
within
my
heart.
】
12.
我一直以为自己是你生命中的主角,却只是你故事中的配角【I
always
thought
was
the
protagonist
in
your
life,
but
turned
out
to
be
just
a
supporting
character
in
your
story.
】
13.
爱情是一次彻底的迷失,在你离开后,我找不到自己的方向【Love
is
a
complete
loss.
After
you
left,
couldn't
find
my
own
direction.
】
14.
我们曾经的爱情就如同枯萎的花朵,无法再次开放,只剩下一地的凄凉【Our
past
love
is
like
a
withered
flower,
unable
to
bloom
again,
leaving
only
desolation
behind.
】
15.
爱情是一刀深深刺痛我内心,留下了永远无法愈合的伤口【Love
is
a
knife
piercing
deep
into
my
heart,
leaving
a
wound
that
will
never
heal.
】
16.
当你的眼中只有他,而不再有我,我明白我注定了要成为伤感的背景【When
your
eyes
only
see
him,
without
me
anymore,
understand
that
am
destined
to
become
a
sad
background.
】
17.
我把你当成绝美的诗篇,而你却只将我当作一段尘封的回忆【I
regarded
you
as
a
beautiful
poem,
while
you
only
treated
me
as
a
dusty
memory.
】
18.
爱情是一场冷漠的戏,你在台上破碎我的心,而我只能默默接受【Love
is
a
play
of
indifference,
you
break
my
heart
onstage,
and
can
only
silently
accept
it.
】
19.
我以为爱情是甜蜜的糖果,却不知道它也是痛苦的纠缠【I
thought
love
was
sweet
candy,
but
didn't
realize
it
could
also
be
a
painful
entanglement.
】
20.
当你离开我的世界,我才明白,我一直在和幻影恋爱【When
you
left
my
world,
realized
that
had
been
in
love
with
an
illusion
all
along.
】