1.
"You
make
me
want
to
be
a
better
man.
"
-As
Good
as
It
Gets】
2.
"The
greatest
thing
you'll
ever
learn
is
just
to
love,
and
be
loved
in
return.
"
-Moulin
Rouge】
3.
"I
will
love
you
until
the
stars
go
out,
and
the
tides
no
longer
turn.
"
-The
Notebook】
4.
"Love
is
a
force
more
formidable
than
any
other.
It
is
invisible—it
cannot
be
seen
or
measured,
yet
it
is
powerful
enough
to
transform
you
in
a
moment,
and
offer
you
more
joy
than
any
material
possession
could.
"
-Barbara
De
Angelis】
5.
"Love
is
like
the
wind,
you
can't
see
it
but
you
can
feel
it.
"
-A
Walk
to
Remember】
6.
"To
be
brave
is
to
love
someone
unconditionally,
without
expecting
anything
in
return.
"
-Frozen】
7.
"Love
is
when
the
other
person's
happiness
is
more
important
than
your
own.
"
-H.
Jackson
Brown,
Jr.
】
8.
"I
have
waited
for
this
opportunity
for
more
than
half
a
century,
to
repeat
to
you
once
again
my
vow
of
eternal
fidelity
and
everlasting
love.
"
-Gabriel
Garcia
Marquez】
9.
"True
love
is
rare,
and
it's
the
only
thing
that
gives
life
real
meaning.
"
-Nicholas
Sparks】
10.
"Love
is
not
about
possession.
Love
is
about
appreciation.
"
-Osho】
11.
"Love
is
not
about
how
many
days,
weeks,
or
months
you've
been
together,
it's
all
about
how
much
you
love
each
other
every
day.
"
-Unknown】
12.
"I
don't
want
to
live,
want
to
love
first
and
live
incidentally.
"
-Zelda
Fitzgerald】
13.
"Being
deeply
loved
by
someone
gives
you
strength,
while
loving
someone
deeply
gives
you
courage.
"
-Lao
Tzu】
14.
"Love
is
the
answer
to
everything.
It's
the
only
reason
to
do
anything.
"
-Ray
Bradbury】
15.
"Love
is
like
a
beautiful
flower
which
may
not
touch,
but
whose
fragrance
makes
the
garden
a
place
of
delight
just
the
same.
"
-Helen
Keller】
16.
"You
don't
love
someone
for
their
looks,
or
their
clothes
or
for
their
fancy
car,
but
because
they
sing
a
song
only
you
can
hear.
"
-Oscar
Wilde】
17.
"Love
isn't
finding
someone
who
can
make
you
happy.
It's
finding
someone
who
can
make
you
feel
complete.
"
-Unknown】
18.
"I
love
you
not
only
for
what
you
are,
but
for
what
am
when
am
with
you.
"
-Elizabeth
Barrett
Browning】
19.
"Love,
it
is
said,
is
blind,
but
love
is
not
blind.
It
is
an
extra
eye,
which
shows
us
what
is
most
worthy
of
regard.
"
-J.
M.
Barrie】
20.
"In
the
end,
we
only
regret
the
chances
we
didn't
take,
relationships
we
were
afraid
to
have,
and
the
decisions
we
waited
too
long
to
make.
"
-Unknown】