1.
爱情不该成为束缚和悲恸的代名词,它本应是自由和快乐的象征。
【Love
Shouldn't
Be
Associated
with
Trapped
and
Grief,
But
with
Freedom
and
Joy.
】
2.
束缚并不能给予真正的爱情,只有自由的爱才能让人真正快乐。
【Confinement
Can
Never
Give
You
Real
Love,
Only
Free
Love
Can
Bring
You
True
Happiness.
】
3.
当爱变得无法呼吸,它已经不再是爱情。
【When
Love
Becomes
Suffocating,
It's
No
Longer
Love.
】
4.
没有了自由的爱情,就像一只被关在笼子里的鸟,无法飞翔也无法快乐。
【Love
Without
Freedom
Is
Like
a
Caged
Bird
Unable
to
Fly
and
Be
Happy.
】
5.
爱情不能成为你的负担,而应该是陪伴你飞翔的翅膀。
【Love
Shouldn't
Be
Your
Burden,
but
the
Wings
That
Help
You
Fly.
】
6.
爱情并非牺牲和付出的代名词,而是两个人真心相爱的共同体验。
【Love
Isn't
Sacrifice
and
Giving,
but
the
Shared
Experience
of
Two
People
Truly
in
Love.
】
7.
爱情原本是美好的,只有当你失去了自由,才会变成留恋和遗憾。
【Love
Is
Beautiful
in
Its
Essence.
It
Becomes
Regretful
Only
When
You
Lose
Your
Freedom.
】
8.
你开始迷失自我,当你为了爱情放弃了自由。
【You
Start
Losing
Yourself
When
You
Give
Up
Your
Freedom
for
Love.
】
9.
自由的爱情是幸福的关键,抱紧你所爱的人,但绝不放弃自己。
【Free
Love
Is
the
Key
to
Happiness.
Hold
Onto
the
Person
You
Love,
but
Never
Give
Up
on
Yourself.
】
10.
爱情不应该沉重,它应该轻盈如羽毛,随心飘动。
【Love
Shouldn't
Be
Heavy,
but
Light
as
Feathers,
Drifting
with
Your
Heart.
】
11.
当你发现爱情变得负担,你已经不再是自己。
【When
Love
Becomes
a
Burden,
You
No
Longer
Are
Yourself.
】
12.
自由幸福的爱情让你与你所爱的人一起成为更好的自己。
【Free
and
Joyful
Love
Helps
You
and
Your
Loved
One
Become
Better
Versions
of
Yourselves
Together.
】
13.
爱情本应自由,不自由则毫无意义。
【Love
Should
Be
Free,
Otherwise
It's
Meaningless.
】
14.
为了爱情而牺牲自己是不值得的。
自由选择,自由爱,才是幸福之道。
【Sacrificing
for
Love
Isn't
Worthwhile.
The
Way
to
Happiness
Is
to
Choose
and
Love
Freely.
】
15.
没有比在爱情面前选择了自由更勇敢和美好的事情了。
【Nothing
Is
More
Courageous
and
Beautiful
Than
Choosing
Freedom
in
the
Face
of
Love.
】
16.
爱情应该给你的生命带来能量,而不是排空你的灵魂。
【Love
Should
Energize
Your
Life,
Not
Deplete
Your
Soul.
】
17.
爱情需要包容,但绝不应该让你丧失自由和尊严。
【Love
Requires
Tolerance,
but
Should
Never
Rob
You
of
Your
Freedom
and
Dignity.
】
18.
无论爱情是否结束,你都应该坚持追求自由和快乐。
【Whether
Love
Ends
or
Not,
You
Should
Always
Pursue
Freedom
and
Joy.
】
19.
爱情成为负担的时候,走开是为了给自己和所爱的人更好的未来。
【When
Love
Becomes
a
Burden,
Walking
Away
Is
the
Best
Choice
for
a
Better
Future
for
Yourself
and
Your
Beloved.
】
20.
自由跟随自己的心,爱自己的人,也爱世界上的每一个人。
【Follow
Your
Heart
with
Freedom,
Love
Yourself
and
Everyone
in
the
World.
】