1.
"You
can
do
it!"
-激励球员的励志语录
2.
"You
can't
get
to
the
top
by
being
a
good
team
player.
You
have
to
be
a
good
individual
player
too."
-球星阿曼达·哈基姆的名言
3.
"If
you
want
to
be
a
great
player,
you
have
to
be
a
great
human
being."
-科比·布莱恩特的名言
4.
"成功需要勇气和毅力.
You
have
to
be
willing
to
work
hard
and
be
patient."
-球星蒂姆·邓肯的名言
在这些励志语录中,我们可以看到许多球星在面对挑战和困难时如何激励自己和他人。他们相信自己的能力,坚信自己可以做到,并且为此付出巨大的努力和汗水。这些语录鼓舞着我们,让我们相信自己,克服困难,实现自己的梦想。