.jpg)
1.
"My
heart
is
but
a
blade
of
grass,
swaying
to
the
winds
of
emotion
and
change.
"
【心如草叶随风摇动】
2.
"I
long
to
feel
the
soil
beneath
my
feet,
to
grow
and
flourish,
and
to
be
a
part
of
something
greater
than
myself.
"
【渴望落地生根茁壮成长,成为众生的一份子】
3.
"Sometimes,
am
trampled
underfoot.
But
bounce
back,
resilient
as
ever.
"
【有时会被践踏,但我会弹回,依旧坚韧不拔】
4.
"I
may
be
small
and
unassuming,
but
am
a
vital
part
of
the
ecosystem.
"
【我虽微小,但我是生态系统不可或缺的一环】
5.
"Rain
or
shine,
am
content
to
simply
be,
to
absorb
the
world
around
me
and
revel
in
its
beauty.
"
【风雨无阻,我无欲无求,沉醉于周围的美景中】
6.
"Like
the
grass,
too
have
seasons.
may
wither
and
dry
up,
but
know
that
new
growth
is
always
just
around
the
corner.
"
【我和草一样,有着自己的季节。
虽有枯萎,但新的生机总会在不远处到来】
7.
"In
the
midst
of
chaos,
am
a
symbol
of
serenity
and
calm.
"
【在纷扰中,我是一道宁静和平的风景线】
8.
"I
may
seem
insignificant,
but
even
the
smallest
blade
of
grass
can
make
a
difference
in
the
grand
scheme.
"
【我或许微不足道,但即使是一根小小的草叶,也可以在宏大的蓝图中扮演重要的角色】
9.
"Like
a
blade
of
grass,
my
life
may
seem
ordinary.
But
in
reality,
it
is
a
miracle
of
existence.
"
【我像一根草叶,生活看似平凡,但实际上是生命存在的奇迹】
10.
"The
wind
whispers
through
my
leaves,
and
feel
a
sense
of
peace
and
contentment.
"
【风轻轻地吹过我草叶,我感到平静和满足】
11.
"I
am
but
a
blade
of
grass,
but
in
my
own
way,
am
a
warrior.
"
【我只是一根草叶,但在自己的领域里,我也是一名勇士】
12.
"The
world
may
be
chaotic,
but
the
grass
is
always
green
and
ever-growing.
"
【世界可能充满混乱,但草却总是绿油油、茁壮成长着】
13.
"I
may
be
trodden
upon,
but
am
indomitable.
will
always
find
a
way
to
push
through
and
rise
again.
"
【我或许会被践踏,但我是坚不可摧的。
我会找到一条路,推动大地,再度崛起】
14.
"Like
the
grass,
am
a
symbol
of
resilience
and
persistence.
"
【我像草一样,是坚韧和不屈的象征】
15.
"I
may
not
be
the
tallest
or
strongest,
but
am
part
of
a
larger
whole,
and
together,
we
are
an
unstoppable
force.
"
【我没有最高最强,但我是整个大局的一部分,我们团结一致,就是无可阻挡的力量】
16.
"The
grass
may
seem
fragile,
but
it
is
actually
incredibly
tenacious
and
adaptable.
"
【草看似脆弱,但实际上极其顽强和适应力强】
17.
"I
am
grounded
in
the
earth,
but
my
dreams
reach
for
the
sky.
"
【我深深扎根于大地,但我的梦想却高高飞扬】
18.
"The
grass
bends
and
sways,
but
it
never
breaks.
It
is
a
lesson
in
both
flexibility
and
strength.
"
【草弯曲摇摆,但从不断裂。
它是灵活和力量的双重教材】
19.
"I
am
but
a
small
part
of
the
grand
tapestry
of
life,
yet
my
existence
is
no
less
meaningful
than
any
other.
"
【我只是生命巨幅画卷中的一小部分,但我的存在并不比其他的部分更加微不足道】
20.
"Like
a
blade
of
grass,
am
a
testament
to
the
beauty
and
resilience
of
nature.
"
【像草一样,我证明了大自然的美丽和韧性】