.jpg)
1.
"In
that
fleeting
moment,
as
the
peacock
unfurled
its
glorious
feathers,
was
reminded
that
beauty
is
all
around
us.
We
just
have
to
open
our
eyes.
"
【美丽无处不在,只要我们愿意去发现。
】
2.
"The
peacock's
feathers
shimmered
in
the
sunlight,
painting
a
picture
so
enchanting
it
took
my
breath
away.
"
【孔雀的羽毛在阳光下闪闪发光,勾勒出如此迷人的画面,让我不由自主地屏住了呼吸。
】
3.
"As
watched
the
peacock
dance,
felt
a
sense
of
wonder
and
awe
that
reminded
me
of
the
magic
of
the
natural
world.
"
【当我看着孔雀跳了起来,我感到一股惊奇和敬畏之感,这让我想起了大自然的魔力。
】
4.
"The
peacock's
colors
were
so
vibrant
and
bold,
it
was
as
if
nature
was
showing
off
its
finest
work.
"
【孔雀的颜色是如此的鲜艳和大胆,仿佛大自然在展示它最精美的作品。
】
5.
"The
sight
of
the
peacock's
feathers
was
like
a
symphony
of
colors
that
sang
to
my
soul.
"
【孔雀羽毛的景象就像一首色彩交响乐,唤醒了我的心灵。
】
6.
"As
gazed
upon
the
peacock's
regal
display,
couldn't
help
but
feel
a
sense
of
hope
and
renewal.
"
【当我注视着孔雀的皇家装束时,我不禁感到一种希望和更新的感觉。
】
7.
"The
peacock's
feathers
were
a
tapestry
of
nature's
finest
workmanship,
woven
together
in
a
display
of
majestic
beauty.
"
【孔雀的羽毛是大自然最精湛的工艺品的一种绣成物,编织在一起展示出一种雄伟壮丽的美丽。
】
8.
"The
peacock's
feathers
were
like
a
kaleidoscope
of
colors
that
danced
in
the
sunlight,
creating
a
living
work
of
art.
"
【孔雀的羽毛就像一只万花筒,翩翩起舞,在阳光下创造出一件活生生的艺术品。
】
9.
"Watching
the
peacock
strut
its
stuff,
realized
that
sometimes
the
most
remarkable
things
in
life
come
in
unexpected
packages.
"
【看着孔雀炫耀它的本领,我意识到有时生活中最令人称奇的事情来自于意想不到的包装。
】
10.
"The
peacock's
feathers
were
so
intricate
and
ornate,
it
was
as
if
each
one
had
been
painted
by
the
finest
brushstroke.
"
【孔雀的羽毛是如此的精细和华丽,仿佛每一个都是最好的刷笔描绘。
】
11.
"As
stood
in
awe
of
the
peacock's
beauty,
was
filled
with
gratitude
for
the
simple
pleasures
that
nature
offers
us.
"
【当我对孔雀的美感到惊叹时,我充满了对大自然所赐予我们的简单乐趣的感激之情。
】
12.
"The
peacock's
feathers
were
like
a
secret
garden,
filled
with
hidden
wonders
and
delights
waiting
to
be
discovered.
"
【孔雀的羽毛就像一个秘密花园,充满了隐藏的奇观和等待着被发现的乐趣。
】
13.
"Watching
the
peacock
spread
its
feathers,
was
reminded
that
sometimes
the
greatest
beauty
lies
in
the
smallest
details.
"
【当我看着孔雀展开它的羽毛时,我想到有时最美的是微不足道的细节。
】
14.
"The
peacock's
feathers
were
like
a
work
of
art,
created
by
the
master
painter
that
is
nature
herself.
"
【孔雀的羽毛就像一件艺术品,由自然本身这位大师级画家创作。
】
15.
"As
watched
the
peacock's
feathers
move
in
the
breeze,
was
filled
with
a
sense
of
peace
and
contentment.
"
【当我看着孔雀的羽毛随着微风飘动时,我感到一种平静和满足的感觉。
】
16.
"The
peacock's
feathers
were
like
a
rainbow
brought
to
life,
each
color
more
vibrant
than
the
last.
"
【孔雀的羽毛就像一道人间彩虹,每种颜色都更加鲜艳。
】
17.
"Watching
the
peacock's
feathers
shimmer
and
shine,
was
reminded
that
sometimes
the
things
that
make
us
happy
are
the
simplest
of
pleasures.
"
【当我看着孔雀的羽毛在阳光下闪闪发光时,我想起有时使我们感到快乐的事情是最简单的乐趣。
】
18.
"The
peacock's
feathers
were
like
a
symphony
of
colors,
each
one
playing
its
part
in
a
masterpiece
of
nature.
"
【孔雀的羽毛就像一首色彩交响乐,每一种颜色都在大自然的杰作中发挥着自己的作用。
】
19.
"As
watched
the
peacock
dance,
was
reminded
that
sometimes
the
greatest
joys
in
life
come
from
the
beauty
that
surrounds
us.
"
【当我看着孔雀跳舞时,我想起有时生活中最大的快乐来自我们周围的美丽。
】
20.
"The
peacock's
feathers
were
like
a
masterpiece
painted
by
the
hand
of
nature,
a
reminder
of
the
wonders
that
exist
all
around
us
if
we
only
take
the
time
to
look.
"
【孔雀的羽毛就像一件大自然之手创造的杰作,提醒我们是否抽出时间去寻找身边的奇妙。
】