.jpg)
1.
"Every
farewell
is
a
new
beginning,
a
chance
for
us
to
grow
and
find
our
way.
"
【#newbeginning】
2.
"Parting
is
such
sweet
sorrow,
but
the
memories
we
made
will
stay
with
us
forever.
"
【#sweetmemories】
3.
"When
we
say
goodbye,
we
give
ourselves
the
opportunity
to
discover
new
adventures
and
experiences.
"
【#newadventures】
4.
"Farewells
are
not
forever,
they
are
just
a
temporary
opportunity
for
us
to
explore
life
in
new
ways.
"
【#temporaryopportunity】
5.
"As
we
say
farewell,
remember
that
distance
means
so
little
when
someone
means
so
much.
"
【#distance】
6.
"Goodbye
may
seem
forever,
but
it
is
never
truly
the
end.
It
simply
means
that
we
will
miss
each
other
until
we
meet
again.
"
【#nevertrulyend】
7.
"Some
goodbyes
may
be
bittersweet,
but
they
can
also
be
a
celebration
of
the
moments
we
cherish.
"
【#bittersweet】
8.
"Don't
be
sad
that
it's
over,
be
happy
that
it
happened.
"
【#begladithappened】
9.
"Goodbye
doesn't
mean
that
the
love
we
shared
will
be
forgotten,
it
just
means
that
we
will
hold
onto
it
in
our
hearts
forever.
"
【#holdinourhearts】
10.
"Someday
we'll
meet
again,
and
the
pain
of
saying
goodbye
will
become
a
distant
memory.
"
【#somedaywemeetagain】
11.
"The
only
way
to
truly
leave
someone
is
to
love
them
enough
to
let
them
go.
"
【#lettinggo】
12.
"We
may
be
saying
goodbye,
but
the
love
we
shared
will
remain
in
our
hearts
forever.
"
【#loveforever】
13.
"Although
the
road
may
be
long
and
winding,
the
journey
we
shared
together
was
worth
every
moment.
"
【#journeytogether】
14.
"Goodbye
is
not
the
end,
it's
just
a
new
beginning
for
us
to
learn
and
grow.
"
【#learningandgrowing】
15.
"Even
though
we
may
part
ways,
the
memories
we've
created
will
keep
us
connected
forever.
"
【#memorieskeepusconnected】
16.
"Saying
goodbye
is
never
easy,
but
it's
necessary
for
us
to
move
forward
in
life.
"
【#movingforward】
17.
"In
every
goodbye,
there
is
a
hint
of
hope
that
we
will
see
each
other
again.
"
【#hintofhope】
18.
"The
pain
of
saying
goodbye
is
temporary,
but
the
love
we
shared
will
never
die.
"
【#painoftemporary】
19.
"Don't
think
of
it
as
goodbye,
think
of
it
as
until
we
meet
again.
"
【#untilwemeetagain】
20.
"Farewell
may
be
a
goodbye
for
now,
but
it's
not
a
goodbye
forever.
"【#goodbyefornow】