1.
The
waiting
may
be
excruciating,
but
the
prize
of
your
return
will
be
worth
it.
【等待或许会令人煎熬,但期盼你的归来,定会值得。
】
2.
Distance
only
makes
the
heart
grow
fonder
when
you
know
you'll
be
coming
back
to
me.
【距离只会让心更加渴望,因为我知道你会回来我身边。
】
3.
My
love
for
you
burns
like
a
never-ending
flame,
and
I'm
counting
the
seconds
until
you're
back
in
my
arms.
【对你的爱,像不灭的火焰般燃烧,我渴望你重回我怀中。
】
4.
Even
though
we're
apart
for
now,
our
love
still
connects
us
like
an
invisible
thread.
【即便我们暂时分隔两地,我们的爱仍相互连接,像一根无形的纽带。
】
5.
The
days
without
you
feel
like
years,
but
know
the
wait
will
be
worthwhile.
【没有你的日子如同年月般漫长,但我知道等待会是值得的。
】
6.
No
distance
can
dull
the
light
of
our
love,
and
I'm
eagerly
awaiting
the
moment
you're
back
by
my
side.
【没有距离可以消弭我们爱的光芒,我热切期待你回到我的身边。
】
7.
Time
may
pass,
but
my
love
for
you
only
grows
stronger
with
each
passing
moment.
【时间或许会流逝,但随着光阴的流逝,我对你的爱更加坚定不移。
】
8.
The
emptiness
feel
without
you
can
only
be
filled
by
your
warm
embrace.
【没有你,我感到空虚寂寞,只有你温暖的拥抱才可以填补这种空缺。
】
9.
You
are
the
missing
puzzle
piece
that
completes
me,
and
can't
wait
until
we're
reunited.
【你就是我身上缺失的拼图,找到你后,我感觉完整无缺,期待我们的重聚。
】
10.
The
sound
of
your
laughter
echoes
in
my
mind,
and
I'm
longing
to
hear
it
again.
【你的笑声,在我心底回荡不止,我渴望再一次听到它。
】
11.
The
love
we
share
is
like
a
river
that
never
stops
flowing,
and
I'm
ready
to
dive
back
in
when
you
return.
【我们分享的爱,像一条永不停歇的河流,当你回来的时候,我准备好重新跳入其中。
】
12.
My
love
for
you
is
like
a
compass
that
points
me
in
the
right
direction,
towards
your
waiting
arms.
【对你的爱,像一枚指南针,指引我往正确的方向走,朝着你温暖的怀抱。
】
13.
I'm
counting
down
the
minutes
until
you're
back,
my
love,
and
every
second
feels
like
an
eternity.
【我在倒计时,每一分钟都如重渡千山般漫长,期待你回来,我的爱。
】
14.
My
heart
aches
without
you
here,
but
it's
also
filled
with
hope
for
your
safe
return.
【没有你在这,我的心难免隐隐作痛,但我也满怀期待,期盼你安全归来。
】
15.
You
are
the
sunshine
that
brightens
my
world,
and
I'm
eagerly
waiting
for
you
to
bring
that
warmth
back
to
my
days.
【你就是我天空中最灿烂的阳光,我热切等待你带来温暖。
】
16.
The
love
we
share
is
a
flame
that
can't
be
extinguished,
no
matter
how
much
distance
stands
between
us.
【我们分享的爱,像一堆难以熄灭的火焰,在分隔两地的时候也是纵横无碍。
】
17.
My
heart
beats
faster
with
each
passing
moment,
as
get
closer
to
being
reunited
with
you.
【随着那一刻的临近,我的心跳愈发加快,最终我们将满心欢喜重逢。
】
18.
Your
love
is
the
anchor
that
keeps
me
grounded,
even
when
we're
physically
apart.
【你的爱是我保持心智清醒的极致支撑,在我们隔离无法相见的时候也是如此。
】
19.
The
thought
of
holding
you
in
my
arms
again
is
the
only
thing
that
gets
me
through
these
long
days
without
you.
【再一次将你紧紧拥入怀中我不禁深深期盼,唯有此念念之间才能让我坚持熬过没有你的漫长时光。
】
20.
No
matter
how
long
the
wait,
true
love
will
always
find
a
way
to
come
back
together.
【再长的等待,真爱也总会找到在一起的办法。
】