.jpg)
1.
Believe
in
yourself
and
you
will
be
unstoppable.
【#自信万无一失#】
2.
No
obstacle
can
stop
a
determined
mind.
【#无所不能#】
3.
The
only
limit
to
your
success
is
the
doubts
you
have
in
your
mind.
【#不动摇#】
4.
The
harder
you
work,
the
luckier
you
get.
【#努力不会白费#】
5.
Success
is
not
final,
failure
is
not
fatal,
it's
the
courage
to
continue
that
counts.
【#勇往直前#】
6.
The
greatest
glory
in
living
lies
not
in
never
falling,
but
in
rising
every
time
we
fall.
【#关键在于站起来#】
7.
Your
present
circumstances
don't
determine
where
you
can
go;
they
merely
determine
where
you
start.
【#虽千万里吾往矣#】
8.
Be
fearless
in
the
pursuit
of
what
sets
your
soul
on
fire.
【#梦想在发光#】
9.
You
don't
have
to
be
great
to
start,
but
you
have
to
start
to
be
great.
【#从现在开始#】
10.
When
life
gets
tough,
don't
give
up,
get
up
and
fight
harder.
【#坚持到底#】
11.
Believe
you
can
and
you're
halfway
there.
【#自信是第一步#】
12.
Don't
wait
for
opportunities,
create
them.
【#机会自己创造#】
13.
Success
is
not
about
being
better
than
someone
else,
it's
about
being
better
than
you
used
to
be.
【#超越自我#】
14.
Be
the
change
you
wish
to
see
in
the
world.
【#成为榜样#】
15.
Failures
are
stepping
stones
to
success.
【#失败是成功之母#】
16.
You
have
the
power
to
shape
your
destiny.
【#命运自己掌握#】
17.
The
only
way
to
do
great
work
is
to
love
what
you
do.
【#热爱工作,成功路漫漫#】
18.
Set
your
goals
high
and
don't
stop
until
you
get
there.
【#奋斗不止#】
19.
The
road
to
success
is
never
easy,
but
with
determination
and
courage,
anything
is
possible.
【#路漫漫其修远兮#】
20.
You
have
within
you
right
now,
everything
you
need
to
deal
with
whatever
the
world
can
throw
at
you.
【#自己就是最棒的武器#】