.jpg)
1.
"Words
are
the
bridge
between
two
hearts,
and
love
is
the
foundation
on
which
it
stands.
"
【说话是两颗心之间的桥梁,而爱则是其建立的基石】
2.
"When
two
people
are
truly
in
love,
their
words
carry
the
weight
of
the
world,
and
every
sentence
uttered
becomes
poetry.
"
【当两个人真正相爱,他们的话语就拥有了世界的重量,每一句话都变得如诗如歌】
3.
"No
matter
the
distance
between
them,
when
two
hearts
are
connected
by
love,
their
words
can
travel
but
never
lose
their
meaning.
"
【无论彼此距离多远,当两颗心因爱相连时,他们的话虽可能远行,但绝不会失去其意义】
4.
"To
love
is
to
speak
not
just
with
words,
but
with
the
heart.
"
【爱,不只是借助言语,更是借助内心沟通】
5.
"The
power
of
words
is
unmatched,
but
the
power
of
love
can
transform
even
the
most
mundane
of
phrases
into
magic.
"
【言辞的力量无可匹敌,而爱的力量甚至可以将最平凡的话语转化为魔法】
6.
"In
the
language
of
love,
words
become
music,
and
every
conversation
is
a
symphony.
"
【在爱的语言中,言语就变成了音乐,每一次交流都是一首交响乐】
7.
"The
more
we
love,
the
more
we
become
fluent
in
the
language
of
our
hearts,
and
the
words
we
speak
are
transformed
into
a
love
song.
"
【我们越深爱,就越能用心的表达,我们所说的话,也因此变成了一首爱的歌曲】
8.
"Love
is
not
just
an
emotion,
but
a
language
that
two
spirits
share
through
the
words
they
exchange.
"
【爱不仅仅是一种情感,也是两个灵魂通过语言来交流的语言】
9.
"The
greatest
gift
we
can
give
to
someone
we
love
is
the
simple
act
of
speaking,
for
in
doing
so,
we
give
them
a
piece
of
ourselves.
"
【向我们爱的人倾诉心声,是对他们最好的馈赠,因为我们也将自己的一部分赠予他们】
10.
"Words
may
be
fleeting,
but
the
love
that
they
express
lasts
forever.
"
【言语也许短暂,但它们所表达的爱却永恒】
11.
"Love
is
a
language
that
requires
no
translation,
for
it
is
understood
in
every
corner
of
the
world.
"
【爱是一种不需要翻译的语言,因为在世界的每个角落中,它都被理解着】
12.
"The
true
beauty
of
love
lies
in
the
words
that
are
spoken
from
the
heart.
"
【爱的真正美丽,源于我们从内心说出的话语】
13.
"When
we
speak
with
love,
we
create
a
bond
that
is
unbreakable,
and
a
connection
that
is
eternal.
"
【当我们用爱说话时,我们就创造了一种不可分割的纽带,和一种永恒的联系】
14.
"With
every
word
we
speak,
we
are
building
a
bridge
between
ourselves
and
the
person
we
love.
"
【每当我们用言语沟通,我们就在自己和爱的人之间架起了一座桥梁】
15.
"The
words
we
speak
can
either
build
or
destroy
our
relationships,
but
when
we
choose
love,
they
can
only
strengthen
it.
"
【我们说的话语,既可能建设,也可能破坏我们的关系,但如果我们选择爱,这些话语只会使我们的关系更加坚固】
16.
"In
love,
even
the
smallest
of
words
can
carry
the
weight
of
the
world.
"
【在爱中,即使最微小的语言,也能承载世界的重量】
17.
"When
we
speak
with
love
and
kindness,
we
bring
a
little
piece
of
heaven
to
earth.
"
【当我们用爱和善良说话时,我们就为这个世界带来了一点天堂的气息】
18.
"To
love
is
to
speak
life
into
someone's
heart,
and
to
fill
it
with
the
warmth
of
our
words.
"
【爱是为某个人的心灵说出生命的话语,也是用温暖的声音充盈他们的内心】
19.
"The
most
beautiful
words
are
the
ones
we
speak
with
love,
for
they
have
the
power
to
change
lives
and
transform
hearts.
"
【最美丽的言语,是我们用爱所说的话语,它们有着改变生命和转化内心的力量】
20.
"Love
is
a
language
that
can
be
spoken
in
a
thousand
different
ways,
but
the
sentiment
it
expresses
is
always
the
same.
"
【爱是一种能够以千种方式表达的语言,但它所表达的感受却永恒不变】