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1.
Kisses
are
the
flowers
of
love
in
bloom.
【爱情,茁壮开放的鲜花,吻是它的花海】
2.
kiss
is
a
secret
that
tells
the
heart
what
the
lips
cannot
say.
【吻是秘密,在不能表达的时候告诉心灵】
3.
kiss
is
a
lovely
trick
designed
by
nature
to
stop
speech
when
words
become
superfluous.
【吻是自然界妙不可言的魔术,当言语已无言可表达时,它会出现,让一切话语变得多余】
4.
kiss
is
the
shortest
distance
between
two
souls.
【吻是贴近两颗心灵的最短距离】
5.
kiss
isn't
just
a
physical
touch,
it
is
a
touch
of
the
soul.
【吻不仅仅是肉体接触,更是灵魂的触碰】
6.
The
best
things
in
life
are
the
people
we
love,
the
places
we've
been,
and
the
memories
we've
made
along
the
way.
And
kissing
is
a
sweet
part
of
those
memories.
【生活中最美好的事物是我们所爱的人、我们去过的地方,以及我们共同创造的回忆。
吻是其中的甜蜜一部分】
7.
The
real
lover
is
the
man
who
can
thrill
you
by
kissing
your
forehead
or
smiling
into
your
eyes
or
just
staring
into
space.
【真正的爱人,是那个可以通过亲吻你的额头,或是微笑注视你的眼睛,甚至是默默凝视空间中的人】
8.
kiss
is
a
promise
of
forever.
It's
a
vow
that
we
will
always
be
together
no
matter
what.
【吻是永恒的誓言,一种让我们无论在何时何地都在一起的誓言】
9.
The
best
way
to
start
a
day
is
with
a
kiss,
and
there's
no
better
way
to
end
it
than
with
one
too.
【开始一天最好的方式是接吻,结束一天的最好方式也是接吻】
10.
first
kiss
is
like
tasting
wine
for
the
first
time,
you
only
get
one
chance
to
make
it
perfect.
【第一次接吻就像是第一次品尝葡萄酒,你只有一次机会去让它变得完美】
11.
kiss
may
not
be
the
answer
to
everything,
but
it's
a
start.
【吻可能并不是解决一切问题的答案,但它起点就好】
12.
kiss
is
the
closest
you
can
get
to
magic,
without
using
your
hands
or
a
wand.
【吻是最接近魔法的感受,不需要双手或者魔杖】
13.
kiss
is
a
memory
that
lasts
forever.
【吻是永恒的回忆】
14.
kiss
is
a
journey,
a
voyage
of
discovery.
It's
a
moment
of
truth
that
can't
be
faked.
【吻是一次旅程,一次探索之旅。
是一个无法伪造的真实瞬间】
15.
kiss
is
like
a
book,
you
never
know
what's
inside
until
you
open
it.
【吻就像一本书籍,只有当你打开它时,才会知道里面藏着什么】
16.
kiss
is
an
art
that
requires
practice,
patience,
and
most
importantly,
love.
【吻是一种需要实践,耐心和最重要的爱的艺术】
17.
In
a
world
where
words
can
be
faked
and
actions
can
be
deceiving,
a
kiss
never
lies.
【在这个言语虚伪、行动欺骗的世界中,吻永远不会说谎】
18.
passionate
kiss
is
a
conversation
in
itself,
it
speaks
volumes
without
saying
a
word.
【一次热情的吻已经足以表达千言万语】
19.
kiss
is
a
symphony
of
the
senses,
a
melody
of
the
heart.
【吻是感官的交响曲,是心灵的乐曲】
20.
kiss
can
be
a
greeting,
a
goodbye,
or
a
declaration
of
love.
In
any
case,
it's
a
beautiful
thing.
【吻能够是问候、告别,而也能是爱的宣言。
不管是哪种情况,它都是一件美好的事情】