.jpg)
1.
"I
am
the
ostrich,
hide
my
pain
behind
my
feathers.
"
【#ostrichquotes
#hidingmypain】
2.
"Sometimes
the
silence
of
being
alone
hurts
more
than
the
pain
of
being
hurt.
"
【#lonelinesshurts
#saddays】
3.
"The
world
can
be
so
harsh,
it's
easier
to
just
bury
your
head
in
the
sand.
"
【#harshreality
#ignoranceisbliss】
4.
"The
weight
of
sadness
can
feel
like
a
thousand
pounds
on
your
back.
"
【#heavyheart
#emotionalpain】
5.
"When
look
at
the
stars,
am
reminded
that
there
is
beauty
in
darkness
too.
"
【#beautyindarkness
#hopeinthedark】
6.
"I
am
broken,
but
still
beautiful
in
my
own
way.
"
【#brokenbeauty
#selfacceptance】
7.
"It's
okay
to
cry,
it's
okay
to
feel,
it's
okay
to
be
vulnerable.
"
【#itsokaytocry
#emotionsmatter】
8.
"The
scars
on
my
heart
are
a
reminder
of
the
battles
have
fought
and
survived.
"
【#survivor
#battlescars】
9.
"The
pain
of
a
broken
heart
is
like
a
wound
that
never
fully
heals.
"
【#brokenheart
#neverhealed】
10.
"It's
hard
to
find
the
light
in
the
darkness,
but
it's
always
there
if
you
just
keep
searching.
"
【#findingthelight
#hopeforever】
11.
"I
may
be
afraid,
but
won't
let
fear
stop
me
from
living
my
life.
"
【#dontletfearwinyourlife
#courageous】
12.
"Sometimes
we
have
to
walk
alone
to
find
our
way
back
to
ourselves.
"
【#findingourselves
#solitude】
13.
"The
depth
of
our
pain
can
often
reveal
the
depth
of
our
capacity
to
love.
"
【#painsheart
#lovecapacity】
14.
"No
matter
how
broken
you
may
feel,
you
have
the
strength
within
you
to
pick
up
the
pieces
and
build
something
beautiful.
"
【#nevergiveup
#strengthwithin】
15.
"The
ostrich
may
bury
its
head
in
the
sand,
but
it
still
has
the
power
to
rise
above
and
soar.
"
【#riseabove
#determination】
16.
"Even
in
the
midst
of
our
darkest
moments,
there
is
always
a
glimmer
of
hope.
"
【#hopeinthedark
#neverlosefaith】
17.
"The
scars
we
bear
remind
us
of
the
battles
we
have
fought
and
won.
"
【#scarscarrymemories
#victoriesremembered】
18.
"It's
okay
to
take
a
step
back
and
breathe
when
life
gets
overwhelming.
"
【#selfcare
#overwhelmingmoments】
19.
"We
must
learn
to
dance
in
the
rain,
for
sometimes
it's
the
only
way
to
move
forward.
"
【#dancingintherain
#recovery】
20.
"The
beauty
of
vulnerability
is
that
it
allows
us
to
connect
with
others
on
a
deeper
level.
"
【#connectionsthroughvulnerability
#buildingbridges】